這段話太值得玩味了。中國人用英語意譯“山寨”,而外國人卻用漢語拼音音譯 “山寨”。copycat 的本意是“盲目的模仿者;模仿他人動作或衣著的人”,但是中國的“山寨”者們是“盲目地模仿者”嗎?他們往往是有創造性的模仿者,例如“山寨春晚”的組織者。所以,copycat 不能充分傳達“山寨”這個詞的深意。
在百度上檢索壹下,看看 shanzhai 出現在幾篇英語裏的上下文,我們就能夠知道把“山寨”翻譯成 copycat 是多麽的單薄:
The Chinese word "Shanzhai" literally means small mountain village, but it's now used to describe products that have names similar to famous brands or people who imitate celebrities.
It became a popular name for fakes when "Shanzhai Cellphones", churned out by small-scale manufacturers in southern China, quickly seized a considerable chunk of the mainland market over the past two years.
Now "Shanzhai" has been given with a broader meaning of fake, unprofessional or homemade, a slang for anything that steals ideas or styles from already well-known stuff.
Shanzhai (Countryside) Spring Festival Gala
'Shanzhai': Faking it for money or fun?
Copycat 裏有 small mountain village 所攜帶的 countryside 含義嗎?有 homemade 和 small-scale manufacturers 含義嗎?更沒有 for fun 這樣的含義了。千百年來,“山寨”壹詞還和“起事造反”、“抗拒官府”、“打家劫舍”、“殺富濟貧”有著密切的聯系,“山寨”總是讓人想起“水滸”那樣的故事和其中的無數英雄好漢。因此,中國人說“山寨”壹詞時還有壹種沖破了政府管制後的歡樂,有壹種“大塊吃肉,大碗喝酒”的痛快和豪爽,還有壹種惡作劇的成分,大公司對他們無可奈何,使“山寨”者們產生了壹種額外的快樂。這些都是 copycat 這樣壹個單詞所無法也不可能傳達的。
由於英語中找不到壹個單詞能夠恰當地反映“山寨”的復雜含義,於是外國人直接音譯了。如果別人問他:“What is Shanzhai?”他再來對這個新詞匯進行解釋,也許這壹解釋需要兩百個英文單詞。但是只要學習壹次,聽者以後看見 shanzhai 就知道是什麽意思了。