However, all these contradictions are about Japan's works and the intermingling of as long as content. These contradictions are really exist. Knife and chrysanthemum is this picture of the component. The Japanese is very aggressive and timidity, already belligerency strong love for aesthetic, both proud and arrogant polite, both stereotypes and extremely easy to adapt to the stubborn, both considerate and will not respond dictated to, already loyal and treachery, already fearless courage and PaShi cowardice, both conservative temperance and easy to accept the new way of life. They are very concerned about what others view of his actions, and when other people to the sleaze know nothing, and they will be overcome by guilt. (they invaded China time has the said guilty! Shit) their soldiers to the discipline, but they're uppity.
しかし、これらのすべての葛藤である日本についての論著裏を縦橫に織りなしの柱だ。このような葛藤すべて本當に存在しなかった。刀や菊がこれカンバスの部分を占めている。日本人は極めて四角張っは、窮兵黷武戀慕の張り切りは、亂暴な傲慢と審美眼に愛想のわがままな板は、溫良終結に適応しようとしない丁寧さだっは大事なものはない」と忠誠心は、背信行為だけでなく、勇敢に不敵なは、保守節制ほど卑屈好きて簡単に新しい生活を送った。彼らが気になったのは自分行為への認識を目の當たりにし、他人が悪行については何も知らない時、彼らがな年俸に征服しなければならない。中國を侵略した時(だからかが言っていたやましい! shit)は彼らの兵士の厳守軍紀だが、