Go Natural English的講師Gabby Wallace便提出了「感恩節」有關的5個英文單字與英文片語。若妳有機會能在感恩節時到美國朋友家壹起過節,這些實用語句就派得上用場羅!
1. Happy Thanksgiving!感恩節快樂!
2. To say grace做飯前祈禱
e.g. The family take turns saying grace before dinner. 這家人在吃晚餐前輪流說祈禱文。
3. Let’s eat / Bon Apetit
我們開動吧! Bon Apetit是法文,意思是希望妳有好的胃口!
4. Could you pass the ……?妳可以把……傳給我嗎?
e.g. Could you pass me the salt? 妳可以把鹽拿給我嗎?
5. Gobble(n.) 火雞的叫聲 (v.) 狼吞虎咽
Bon Apetit, Bon apetit 中文, Bon Apetit 意思, Bon Apetit 翻譯, could you pass the......?, gobble, Gobble 中文, Gobble 意思, Gobble 翻譯, happy thanksgiving, Happy Thanksgiving 中文, Happy Thanksgiving 意思, Happy Thanksgiving 翻譯, let's eat, Let’s eat 中文, Let’s eat 意思, Let’s eat 翻譯, thanksgiving, to say grace, To say grace 中文, To say grace 意思, To say grace 翻譯, 感恩節 英文, 狼吞虎咽 英文