古詩詞大全網 - 字典詞典 - mobbed



New busy looking for a person of hometown ~~~

“妳們這裏有沒有寧夏來的,妳知道附近哪個宿舍有嗎? 快12時的時候,兩個個子不高的 新生在樓道裏四處打聽有沒有老鄉 ←_ ←

"Do you have any in ningxia in here, do you know what is the dormitory? Near almost 12, when two freshmen in the corridor is not tall ask around if there is a person of hometown→_→

在校園裏,接送車壹到。沒等新生下車,老生們就圍了上來“有沒有黑龍江的啊”,“江蘇的,江蘇的過來我這邊來”.....尋找老鄉的聲音此起彼伏。 *****&&&^^

On campus, shuttle arrives. Get off before the new and the old was mobbed by "have ah" in heilongjiang province, "in jiangsu province, jiangsu to come over to my side to"... Looking for the voice of the person of hometown. ******&&&^^^


"Can be found in taiyuan, I feel warm in my heart, this is my first time to come to taiyuan, a stranger, I come from qinghai, because other people don't understand I said the speech, communication up more trouble, see the person of hometown, not so much apprehension, later can go home together, can take care of each other at school. On the recommendation of a person of hometown, I'm going to belong to the person of hometown, know the person of hometown more." A freshman said happily from qinghai

手都抽了~~~^ _ ^