古詩詞大全網 - 字典詞典 - 六級英文句子分析成分?


overrun 是動詞overrun的過去分詞 overrun-overran-overrun 意思:泛濫,橫行,肆虐

這個句子可以先把as it is 略過,直接看成overrun with kids romping in fog rooms?

overrun with kids是分詞表伴隨,就是那種他走過來,手裏拿了本書“拿著書”就是壹個伴隨狀態

舉例:The film star walked to his car,?followed by a crowd of journalists.?

? 這名影星朝他的小汽車走去,後面跟著壹群新聞記者

至於as it is:

這裏as不能單獨看,要和 it is 看成壹起。

這裏的as it is是we use “as it is”when things are already bad and we don't want them to get worse,是表示壹種沒辦法直譯過來的語氣
