古詩詞大全網 - 成語查詢 - windup是什麽意思




windup position 正面投球法 ; 反面投球法 ; 棒球投手

windup key 發條鑰匙

windup reel 纏繞卷筒

WindUp Chair 發條椅子

integral windup[自] 積分飽卷

full windup 大擺臂動作

circular windup 曲線擺動

Clockwork Windup 被動


Way back in 1495, Leonardo da Vinci designed what was probably the first robot - an automated suit of armor with a windup crank.回到1495年,列奧納多·達芬奇設計了也許是世界上第壹臺機器人——壹整套用曲柄發條驅動的自動盔甲騎士。

This feature maintains transfer accuracy by restricting windup during torque, yet retains full protective flexibility.此功能通過限制轉讓保持在扭矩上發條的準確性,但保留了完整的保護的靈活性。

We mainly studied the design of three attitudes controller and the anti-windup control for helicopter with actuators saturation in this paper.最後,本文對直升機的執行器飽和問題進行了抗飽和控制器設計方法的研究。