古詩詞大全網 - 成語故事 - 哪位大俠能幫我翻譯壹些菜名呀?中譯英


1. 咕咾肉 general tao pork

2. 糖醋裏幾 sweet and sour sirloin

3. 避風塘炸雞翅 BiFengTang fried chicken wings

4. 壹品杏鮑菇 prime apricot abalone mushroom stew

5. 大拌菜 Chef's salad

6. 琥珀桃仁 amber walnut

7. 水果沙拉 fruit salad

8. 水果拼盤 fruit plate

9. 三色土豆泥 triple color mush-potato

10. 桂花蓮藕 edible flower with lotus root

11. 醬牛肉 beef with sauce

12. 豌豆辣牛肉粒 ground beef with spicy green pea

13. 蠔油牛肉 beef with oyster sauce

14. 板栗仔雞 chicken chestnut stew

15. 三鮮菜心(蝦仁,雞肉,香菇,鵪鶉蛋,油菜) three fresh dish

16. 魚香藕盒 fish flavoured lotus root chest

17. 蒜香荷葉牛柳 garlic lotus with beef steak

18. 飄香滑豆腐 flavoured TouFu

19. 醬爆三丁 stir fried triple dice

20. 松仁玉米 corn with pine nut

21. 油燜大蝦 stewed shrimp

22. 炸烹蝦球 deep fried shrimp ball

23. 面包蝦球 breaded shrimp ball

24. 豌豆蝦仁 green pea shrimp ball

25. 宮爆蝦球 Kung Pao shrimp ball

26. 清炒蝦仁 light cooked shrimp ball

27. 腰果蝦仁 cashew shrimp ball

28. 松鼠魚 squirrel fish

29. 鍋仔紅菜湯 beet soup in baby-wok

30. 玉米餅 corn pie

31. 豬肉大蔥肉餅 pork green onion taco

32. 黃金大餅 golden pie

33. 南瓜餅 pimpkin pie

34. 揚州炒飯 YangZhou fried rice

35. 炸小饅頭 fried bread bun

36. 西紅柿炒雞蛋 stir fried tomato with egg

37. 西紅柿雞蛋面 noodle with tomato egg sauce

38. 宮爆雞丁 KungBao chicken

39. 鐵板蕃茄牛柳 beef with tomato sauce in a iron dish

40. 鐵板黑椒牛柳 beef with black pepper sauce in a iron dish

41. 鐵板錫紙包鱸魚 wrapped bass in a iron dish

42. 雞汁栗子燒白菜 chest nut cabbage with chicken sauce

43. 炒烤鴨絲 stir fried baked duck slice

44. 草菇牛肉芥蘭 mushroom beef with rapini

45. 韭菜盒子 leek turnover

46. 大麥茶 barley soup

