慶祝壹個節日:Celebrate a festival
每壹次我們慶祝壹個節日,我們都會改進壹壹點。Each time we celebrate a festival, it changes a little.?
It is a time of national solidarity when the general families come together and forget the day to day grind and celebrates a holiday, for a particular purpose.?
萬聖節前夕是美國人每年秋天慶祝的壹個節日。Halloween is an autumn holiday that Americans celebrate every year.?
而壹些非裔美國人則慶祝另壹個節日寬紮節。And some black Americans observe another holiday, kwanzaa.?
4月22日會慶祝壹個重要節日。April 22 is a very important holiday.? 每當希基來到旅館的時候,這裏就像天堂壹樣快樂,仿佛是在慶祝壹個重大節日壹樣。
Each time when Hickey arrives, it becomes a heaven here with laughs and happiness as if celebrating a significant festival.?
去年,人們在通布圖市裏的壹個清真寺慶祝同壹個節日的時候發生踩踏事件,有26人喪生。Last year, 26 people died during a stampede while celebrating the same holiday at a mosque in the city of Timbuktu.?
同樣被稱之為'色彩的節日'。印度教和其他教徒們在春天慶祝的壹個節日。Holi, also called the Festival of Colours, is a spring festival celebrated by Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains and others.?
新奧爾良的狂歡節是許多南方城市慶祝的壹個傳統節日。Mardi Gras is a traditional holiday celebrated in many of the southern states of the USA.?
我原先沒想到我度假的同時那裏剛好要慶祝壹個盛大的節日。It didn't occur to me that there'd be a big festival on at the same time as my holiday.?
在俱樂部度過了令人興奮的聖誕節和新年晚宴,我們已準備好慶祝下壹個盛大節日-春節。Having just made it through the excitement of Christmas and New Year's Eve at the Club, we are ready to celebrate another huge festival-Lunar New Year.