古詩詞大全網 - 成語故事 - 正在此時的英文


Just as that moment the train came into the station .

正在此時 ,火車進站了。

Meanwhile , the revolutionaries prepare to stage a coup and depose the king

而 正在此時 ,革命者正準備發起攻擊,推翻國王。

The officers got out and the prisoner stood to attention and saluted as they passed

正在此時 ,壹輛黑色大轎車在軍營門口停了下來。

Only those in physical form that have connection with their species are ascending at this time

只有那些跟自身物種有聯系的事物,才 正在此時 提升。

He gae up all the hope when the appearance of a distant sail raised his hope of rescue

他絕望了, 正在此時 ,他見到遠方的帆影,有了絕處逢生的希望。

He gave up all the hope when the appearance of a distant sail raised his hope of rescue

他絕望了, 正在此時 ,他見到遠方的帆影,有了絕處逢生的希望。

At that moment , a large black car with four officers inside it , stopped at the camp gates

正在此時 ,壹輛黑色大轎車在軍營門口停了下來。裏面坐了4個軍官。

At this moment , the full moon on sky - high bursts into laughter , astounding the monkeys in bewilderment

正在此時 ,那高高掛在天空的壹輪皓月,發出哈哈大笑,猴群驚得目瞪口呆。

A girl in red bikini who just killed 13 people joins a group of 6 hopday - makers , three men and three women on an island

正在此時 ,壹個美艷的女郎正破浪而來,身上穿上紅色比堅尼。

But the pght airs which had begun blowing from the south - east and south had hauled round after nightfall into the south - west

但 正在此時 ,從東南面,壹會兒又從南面吹來的微風,在夜色中轉成了西南風。

And an escape for him from that perilous position offers itself in the shape of an aimless , groundless expedition to africa

正在此時 ,又竟無理智地莫明其妙地讓他遠征非洲,很自然地使他擺脫了危險的處境。

A classic shaw brothers horror thriller . a girl in red bikini who just killed 13 people joins a group of 6 hopday - makers , three men and three women on an island

正在此時 ,壹個美艷的女郎正破浪而來,身上穿上紅色比堅尼。女郎要跟他們同上島避風,當晚,女郎的挑逗令眾男女之間產生前所未有的沖突

It was with this extraordinary procession trooping at his and maria s heels into a confectioner s in quest if the biggest candy - cane ever made , that he encountered ruth and her mother

這壹支與眾不同的隊伍跟在他和瑪利亞身後浩浩蕩蕩地進了壹家糖果店,要想尋找最大的手杖糖。 正在此時 他卻碰見了露絲和她的媽媽。

She read it in tihons face and in the face of prince vassilys valet , who met her in the corridor with hot water , and made her a low bow . the old princes manner to his daughter that morning was extremely affectionate , though strained

從吉洪的臉上,從瓦西裏公爵的近侍的臉上,她都能看到這種表情, 正在此時 瓦西裏公爵的近侍手上提著熱水在走廊裏遇見她,並且向她深深地行了壹鞠躬禮。

Lai xi and lt . p , acpanied by p s former posse of soldiers , who have forsaken their peaceful new pves to return to his side , must face the cruelty of the desert , the region s barbaric bandits and the brutapty of the overlord s men before they can finally face one another

二人相遇後,壹場大戰不分勝負,兩位同是鼎鼎大名的劍客,於是相約再戰。 正在此時 ,他們迎頭碰上了護送經書的朝廷商隊及覬覦駝隊的響馬子安王學圻,而安的背後,似乎還另有主謀.