古詩詞大全網 - 成語故事 - 熟人英文



其中acquaintance的相關英語例句有Nearly 60% of our bookings come from repeat business and personal recommendations. 我們近60%的訂單來自於回頭客和熟人介紹。

Their contact in the United States Embassy was called Phil. 他們在美國大使館的熟人叫菲爾。 He has a large circle of acquaintances. 他有很多相識的熟人.?

The best information about hotels usually comes from friends and acquaintances who have been there. 關於酒店的最可靠信息通常來自曾經去過那裏的朋友和熟人。?

He recognized Mr. Hunter as an old business acquaintance from his years in banking. 他認出亨特先生是他在銀行業工作那些年裏相識的生意上的老熟人.?

Many parents wouldn't dream of buying the stuff for their daughters anyway, as a straw poll among my friends and acquaintances demonstrated. 就我對朋友和熟人所做的調查顯示,很多父母無論如何都不會為他們的女兒購買這種東西。