古詩詞大全網 - 成語故事 - 導航裏什麽是冷啟動 、熱啟動、暖啟動

導航裏什麽是冷啟動 、熱啟動、暖啟動


Hot Start - The GPS receiver remembers its last calculated position and which satellites were in view, the almanac used, and the UTC Time. It then performs a reset and attempts to acquire satellites and calculate a new position based upon the previous information. This is the quickest re-acquisition of a GPS lock.


Warm Start - The GPS receiver remembers its last calculated position, almanac used, and knows the UTC Time, but not which satellites were in view. It then performs a reset and attempts to obtain the satellite signals and calculate a new position. The receiver has a general idea of which satellites to look for because it knows its last position and the almanac helps identify which satellites are visible in the sky. This takes longer than a Hot Start but not as long as a Cold Start.


Cold Start - The GPS receiver dumps all information and resets. It then attempts to locate satellites and then calculate a GPS lock. This takes the longest because there is no known information. The GPS receiver has to attempt to lock a satellite signal from all of the satellites, basically like polling, which takes a lot longer than knowing which satellites to look for. This re-acquisition of a GPS lock takes the longest.



