古詩詞大全網 - 成語故事 - 很難的英文問題


go on: 1 繼續 Please go on with your story(請繼續將妳的故事)

2 開始運行;燈亮 All the lights goes on when it's 8 p.m.(每天晚上8點的時候路燈都亮了。)

come on: 1 來吧 Come on, let's go swimming!(來吧,我們去遊泳)

2 開始 The film comes on at 8 p.m.everyday.(電影每晚8點開始)

go off: 1走開,離開 Let's go off early!(讓我們早點走吧)

2爆炸 The bomb will go off immediately!(炸彈馬上就爆炸了!)

come off: 1 實現 My plan will come off tomorrom.(我的計劃將會在明天實現)

2 離開 Would you like to ome off with me and have a drink?(妳想要跟我壹起離開去喝點什麽嗎?)

go up: 1 上升 The price of rice is going up.(大米漲價了)

2 正在建設中 The building are go up everywhere.(到處都在建房屋)

come up: 1 發生 Earthquake has come up.(發生了地震)

2 上來 Come up to upstairs.(上來樓上)

go down: 1 下降 The price of book is going down now.(書價價了)

2 記載 Jay will go down history as the master of music(周傑倫將被作為音樂之父載入史冊)

come down: 1降價 Please come down a little.(請便宜點)

2下降 Come down to the the floor.(下來樓下)

go away: 走開,離開 I want you go away now.(我要妳現在走開)

come away: 1離開 He will come away with me tomorrow.(我和他明天離開)

2脫落 The heel has come away from my shoes.(我的鞋跟脫落

