雨夾雪英文是:Rain and snow mixed, sleet
對於在凍結高度(freezing level)之下的低層暖空氣,為了能夠使從高處雲層落下的雪融化為雨水,暖空氣的空氣層的厚度(depth)會在230m到460m之間變動,而這種變動是由雪花的質量與融解層(melting layer)大氣的垂直溫度梯度產生的。當融解層大氣的厚度進入這壹範圍時,雨和部分融化雪將會自然地混合在壹起,降落到地面時便會形成雨夾雪。
1. 當他們到達山頂上的時候,雨夾雪已經變成了柔軟的雪花。
By the time they reached the mountaintop,the sleet had changed to fluffy snow.
2. 任何時候我都可能會碰到下雨、下雨夾雪、下雪或是酷暑天。
At any time I could run into rain,sleet,snow,or scorching heat.
3. 中國西北、內蒙古、華北和東北部分地區將有小到中雪或雨夾雪。
Parts of Northwest China,Inner Mongolia,North and Northeast China will see small to moderate snow or sleet.
4. 在過去的兩天裏,科羅拉多州的高海拔地區壹直有雪和雨夾雪,計劃是在山區拍攝壹些雪景。
We have had snow and sleet for the past two days in Colorado's high country and the plan was to photograph some snowy images in the mountains.