死海地球最低點最低點,最大的"天然溫泉"在世界上也是壹個世界自然奇觀和獨特的真實旅遊勝地. 死海本身擁有獨壹無二的水域、417米(1373呎)低於海平面,礦產豐富,水泥漿流入,是世界著名的天然保健美容好去處.
But that's not all. Visitors to the Dead Sea come to a world of blue skies, year-round sunshine, magnificent natural landscape, and extraordinary touring options, such as thrilling encounters with history and exploration of the living desert.
但這不是全部. 遊客來到死海可以看見壹個藍天般的世界,全年日照、壯麗的自然景觀,以及特殊旅遊選擇,如遇到歷史和沙漠歷險.
Add to this a wide range of beaches, hotels, spas, restaurants and leisure-time activities, and you have a destination with extraordinary attractions and benefits. Less than an hour's drive from Jerusalem, the Dead Sea is also a Sea of Peace, joining Israel and Jordan.
加上寬闊的海灘、酒店、健身、飲食、休閑活動、這有妳難以想象的景點. 從耶路撒冷不到壹個小時的車程就可以看到平靜的死海,它連接了以色列和約旦.
Recognized as a mini-universe with its own micro-climate, the Dead Sea is the saltiest and most mineral-laden body of water in the world. The unparalleled buoyancy and warmth of the water has everyone floating. And its health promoting thermo-mineral springs and world famous cosmetic black mud have been praised by visitors for millennia.
作為壹個小宇宙擁有自己的氣候, 死海是鹽礦產重載水域之壹.水的浮力以及溫暖讓人浮在水面上. 有助於健康的礦產黑色泥漿溫泉及世界知名美容泥漿,吸引了很多遊客。.