古詩詞大全網 - 成語故事 - 醒醒英文


Wake up!;?wakey-wakey;

wake up什麽意思

1. 醒來:收到請求時,服務器進程"醒來(wake up)",完成客戶請求的相應的活動. 在此,通過設置定時器來及時地把遠程計算機的當前屏幕以位圖數據的形式傳到客戶端,並顯示在屏幕上,使維護人員能及時了解到遠程計算機的工作狀態.

2. 喚醒:*領先搭載先進電源管理機能,率先提供您關機(POWER)/休眠(SLEEP)/喚醒(Wake up)三組常用快捷功能鍵*領先搭載先進電源管理機能,率先提供您關機(POWER)/休眠(SLEEP)/喚醒(Wake up)三組常用快捷功能鍵

3. (起床. ):這位來自喀麥隆的黑人Bini上課沒帶任何東西,剛開始我還擔心:看她如何對付這40分鐘!可是隨著課堂的展開,我看到了不同:她創設了壹個從晚上(good night)睡覺(go to sleep)、起床(wake up)、洗臉、梳頭、吃飯、拿書包、上學、...

wake up 雙語例句:

1. Or you wake up, bleary with jet lag, in a city you've never seen before and feel you've come home.


2. From these fox sirens, not only can we feel the authenticity of their true-life presence, but also wake up to their special presence as variants based on the details. The perfect combination of humanity and fox-bestiality is just the charm of fox sirens describled by Pu Liuxian.
