2.Please note it is past 10 pm. Per our roommate agreement, kindly refrain from raucous laughter, clinking of glasses and celebratory gunfire.
3.Penny could have been inspecting Raj’s anal region for parasites. Oh boy, that’s a true blue friend.
4.Leonard, is it awkward for you knowing that one of your dear friends had sexual intercourse with the woman you used to love, in the very place you lay your head?
5.I’ve decided my rank will be captain. If it’s good enough for Kirk, Crunch, and Kangaroo, it’s good enough for me.
6.For the record, I do have genitals. They’re functional and aesthetically pleasing.
7.When I rise to power, those people will be sterilized.
8.I miss the old days when your romantic partners could be returned to the video store.
9.I dislike the sound of the harp. Its overuse in classic television sitcoms always makes me think I’m going to experience a flashback from my past.
10.Oh, I’m not buying anything. They’re having a lecture: “HO Gauge Railroading: Half the Size of O Gauge But Twice the Fun.” Very controversial. 我什麽都不打算買。它們那兒要辦壹個講座:“HO軌距的鐵路發展:O軌距壹半的尺寸卻能帶來雙倍的歡樂。”非常有爭議性的題目。