take
you
to
be
my
lawful
wedded
wife/
husband,
to
have
and
to
hold,
from
this
day
forward,
for
better,
for
worse,
for
richer,
for
poorer,
in
sickness
and
in
health,
to
love
and
cherish
till
death
do
us
apart.
我接受妳做我的合法妻子/夫,自今日起相偎相依;無論貧窮還是富有,不管健康還是生病,愛妳寵妳,至死不渝。
Then,
my
father
led
the
bride
and
groom
in
exchanging
their
vows
to
love
and
be
faithful
to
each
other
until
death
separates
them.
然後,我父親帶領新娘新郎互致誓詞,表達了愛和至死不渝的忠誠。
Will
never
change
until
death
至死不渝
不同場景表達不同。