古詩詞大全網 - 成語故事 - 國際歌英文歌詞 國際歌英文歌詞是什麽

國際歌英文歌詞 國際歌英文歌詞是什麽

1、Stand up, all victims of oppression

For the tyrants fear your might

Dont cling so hard to your possessions

For you have nothing, if you have no rights

Let racist ignorance be ended

For respect makes the empires fall

Freedom is merely privilege extended

Unless enjoyed by one and all


So come brothers and sisters

For the struggle carries on

The Internationale

Unites the world in song

So comrades come rally

For this is the time and place

The international ideal

Unites the human race

Let no one build walls to divide us

Walls of hatred nor walls of stone

Come greet the dawn and stand beside us

Well live together or well die alone

In our world poisoned by exploitation

Those who have taken, now they must give

And end the vanity of nations

Weve but one Earth on which to live

And so begins the final drama

In the streets and in the fields

We stand unbowed before their armour

We defy their guns and shields

When we fight, provoked by their aggression

Let us be inspired by like and love

For though they offer us concessions

Change will not come from above

2、起來 饑寒交迫的奴隸

起來 全世界受苦的人

滿腔的熱血已經沸騰 要為真理而鬥爭

舊世界打個落花流水 奴隸們起來 起來

不要說我們壹無所有 我們要做天下的主人

這是最後的鬥爭 團結起來到明天


這是最後的鬥爭 團結起來到明天


從來就沒有什麽救世主 也不靠神仙皇帝

要創造人類的幸福 全靠我們自己

我們要奪回勞動果實 讓思想沖破牢籠

快把那爐火燒得通紅 趁熱打鐵才能成功

這是最後的鬥爭 團結起來到明天


這是最後的鬥爭 團結起來到明天



壹旦把他們消滅幹凈 鮮紅的太陽照遍全球

這是最後的鬥爭 團結起來到明天


這是最後的鬥爭 團結起來到明天

