古詩詞大全網 - 成語故事 - 有誰做過外腔反饋半導體激光器的理論模擬嗎



摘 要 根據Lang-kobayashi帶光反饋的半導體激光器模型,從理論上推導出其穩定條件.數學模擬表明,對於動態單模半導體激光器,少量的外光反饋也會改變激光器的輸出模式,隨著反饋量的增加,激光器的振蕩模式亦增加,並始終為(2n+1)個模式.


1,Lang Roy,Kobayashi Kohroh.External optical feedback on semiconductor injection laser properties.IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics,1980,16(3):347~365

2,Tromborg Bjarne,Osmundsen Jens Henrik,Olesen Henning.Stability analysis for a semiconductor laser in an external cavity.IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics,1984,20(9):1023~1032

3,Masoller C,Abraham N B.Stability and dynamical properties of the coexisting attactors of an external-cavity semiconductor laser.Physical Review(A),1998,57(2):1313~1322

4,Hiborn Robert C.Chaos and nonlinear dynamics(Oxford Student Editon).New York.Oxford,1994:69~105

5,Masoller C,Schifino A C Sicardi,Cabeza C.Chaotic properties of the coherence collapsed state of laser diodes with optical feedback.Optical Communication,1993,100(2