古詩詞大全網 - 成語故事 - 含有"FEET""NOSE"的英語短語



a foot in both camps 兩邊都支持, 腳踏兩只船

at foot 在附近; (小牲口)緊隨母畜 在書面的末尾

at the foot of在...的腳下, 在...的下部

at sb.'s feet 在某人腳下[門下, 控制下]

athlete's foot 腳氣, 香港腳

be carried out (with one's) feet foremost 被擡出去埋葬

be sure of foot 踏實

beneath sb.'s foot 在某人掌握中, 完全聽某人支配

beneath sb.'s feet 在某人掌握中, 完全聽某人支配

under sb.'s foot 在某人掌握中, 完全聽某人支配

under sb.'s feet 在某人掌握中, 完全聽某人支配

betray the cloven foot 露馬腳

display the cloven foot 露馬腳

show the cloven foot 露馬腳

Better the foot slip than the tongue. [諺]寧可失足, 不可失言。

Better to slip with the foot than with the tongue. [諺]寧可失足, 不可失言。

black foot [蘇]媒人, 撮合者, 談戀愛的中間人

bring sb. to his feet 扶起某人

raise sb. to his feet 扶起某人

call to sb.'s feet 叫某人站起來(尤指請人起立演說, 唱歌或舉杯祝酒等)

call to sb.'s legs 叫某人站起來(尤指請人起立演說, 唱歌或舉杯祝酒等)

carry sb. off his foot (風浪等)使人站不穩; 使人興奮, 使人狂熱

sweep sb. off his foot (風浪等)使人站不穩; 使人興奮, 使人狂熱

take sb. off his foot (風浪等)使人站不穩; 使人興奮, 使人狂熱

catch sb. on the wrong foot 使人措手不及

change foot 換鞋, 換步

change feet 換鞋, 換步

dead on one's foot 疲憊不堪

die on one's foot 暴死,垮臺

drag one's foot 拖著腳步走;不合作;遲緩誤事

drop on one's feet 運氣好; 幸免於難

fall on one's feet 運氣好; 幸免於難

feel one's feet (嬰兒等)能站立; 開始感到有把握

feel one's legs (嬰兒等)能站立; 開始感到有把握

feet of clay foot 泥足, 不堪壹擊

find one's feet 開始站穩; 能獨立行動

get cold feet [口]臨陣畏縮; 害怕起來

hove cold feet [口]臨陣畏縮; 害怕起來

get off on the right foot 壹開頭就很[不]順利

get off on the wrong foot 壹開頭就很[不]順利

set off on the wrong foot 壹開頭就很[不]順利

set off on the right foot 壹開頭就很[不]順利

get on one's feet 站起來;站起來發言 (=stand on one's feet)自立, 經濟上獨立 (人)病好了, 可以起床了; (使)恢復, 復蘇(指企業)

get upon one's feet 站起來;站起來發言 (=stand on one's feet)自立, 經濟上獨立 (人)病好了, 可以起床了; (使)恢復, 復蘇(指企業)

get one's feet wet 開始參加, 開始做

get one' sfoot in 鉆進, 打進某不開放的圈子 熟悉 開始(從事)

get one's foot on the ladder 跨出成功的第壹步

have foot in both camps (在政治上)跟對立的兩派同時掛鉤; 腳踏兩只船

have a foot in the dish 占壹份; 獲得立足點

have cold feet 害怕; 臨陣畏縮

have leaden foot 腳步沈重, 行動遲緩

have one foot in the grave 風燭殘年

with one foot in the grave 風燭殘年

have one's foot into 插足

have one's foot on the neck of sb. 壓服某人

put one's foot on the neck of sb. 壓服某人

set one's foot on the neck of sb. 壓服某人

have the foot of sb. 比某人迅速, 趕過某人

have two left feet 笨手笨腳, 很不靈活

jump to one's feet 突然站起, 跳起

spring to one's feet 突然站起, 跳起

jump in with both feet [美]踴躍參加, 全心全意投入

keep one's feet 站穩

kiss the hare's foot 遲到

knock sb. off his feet 使某人驚慌萬狀, 不知所措

lick sb.'s feet 巴結某人

live under the cat's foot [口]怕老婆, 懼內

measure another man's foot by one's own last 以己度人

miss one's foot 失足; 踏空

My foot! [口]怪了! 胡說! 去妳的吧!

Me foot! [口]怪了! 胡說! 去妳的吧!

not put a foot right 動輒得咎

not put a foot wrong 不會做錯

off one's feet 躺著, 坐著; 控制不住自己

on foot步行; 在進行中; 活著的(指供屠宰的牲畜)

on one's feet 站起; 恢復健康; 經濟自立

one's foot has gone to sleep 腳麻了

pull foot 逃走

put one's best foot foremost 飛速奔走; 全力以赴

put one's best foot forward 飛速奔走; 全力以赴

put one's foot down 堅定不移, 堅決果斷

set one's foot down 堅定不移, 堅決果斷

put one's foot in it [口]說錯話, 做錯事; 弄糟

put one's foot into it [口]說錯話, 做錯事; 弄糟

rise to one's foot (掙紮著)站起來

spring to one's foot (掙紮著)站起來

struggle to one's foot (掙紮著)站起來

run a good foot (馬)跑得快

rush sb. off his feet 使某人措手不及; 使某人精疲力盡

set foot in 進入

set foot on 踏上

set on foot 著手

set sb. on his feet 使某人[物]獨立生存[存在]下去

set sth. on its feet 使某人[物]獨立生存[存在]下去

show the cloven foot 現原形, 露馬腳

sling a nasty foot [俚]跳舞跳得到家了

take one's foot in one's hand [謔]拔腳就走;出發;旅行

take one's feet in one's hands [謔]拔腳就走;出發;旅行

take to one's feet 走出,步行

think on one's feet 頭腦反應很快, 立刻作出回答

trample under foot 踐踏, 蹂躪, 虐待

tread under foot 踐踏, 蹂躪, 虐待

under sb.'s foot 屈服於人; 阻礙某人前進

under sb.'s feet 屈服於人; 阻礙某人前進

with both feet 強烈地, 堅決地

with one's wrong foot foremost 心緒不佳

foot by foot 壹步壹步地; 逐漸

foot it [口]走著去, 跳舞

foot to foot 短兵相接

foot up [口]把...加在壹起, 結算

foot up to 加起來***..., ***計...


a nose of wax 沒有主意的人; 容易受人左右的人容易塑捏的東西

a nose to light candles at [俚]酒鬼的紅鼻子, 酒糟鼻子

aquiline nose 鷹鉤鼻

(as) plain as the nose in [on] your face 壹清二楚, 非常明白

bark one's nose 擦破鼻子

before one's nose 筆直往前; 正在前面

bite by the nose 看不起, 輕蔑

bite [snap] sb.'s nose off 氣勢洶洶地回答某人

bite [cut] off one's nose to spite one's face 跟自己過不去, 拿自己出氣

bloody sb.'s nose 打得某人鼻孔流血; 挫傷某人

blow one's nose 擤鼻子

blue noses [美]“青鼻子”(美國東北部新英格蘭人或加拿大東部的諾法斯科細亞人的外號, 因該地氣候極寒, 把人們的鼻子都凍青, 故有此外號)

bring [hold, keep, put] one's nose to the grindstone 不停地幹活; 埋頭苦幹

(win) by a nose [美](比賽中)以少許之差(輸贏)(He passed the examination by a nose. 他差壹點兒不及格。)

catch sb. on the nose 擊中某人的鼻子

cock one's nose 傲慢地翹起鼻子

cannot see beyond (the length of) one's nose [see no further than one's] nose 鼠目寸光

count [tell]noses 數(支持者的)人數; 計算贊成票數

dog's nose [俚]杜松子酒摻啤酒

follow one's nose 筆直走; 憑本能行事; 盲目行事

from under one's [one's very] nose 當著某人的面

fuddle one's nose 酩酊大醉

get a bloody nose 受挫折, 受屈辱

get it up one's nose 生氣, 發怒; 迷戀, 戀愛

get up sb.'s nose 使某人生氣, 激怒某人, 幹擾某人

have a bad nose 鼻子不靈, 嗅覺不敏銳

have a good nose 嗅覺靈敏

have a nose for news 善於采訪新聞, 善於探聽消息

have one's nose in a book 埋頭讀書

have sb.'s nose out of joint 打亂某人的計劃 擠掉某人(使自己得寵)

He that has a great nose thinks everybody is speaking of it. [蘇]長個大鼻子的人總疑心別人在議論他的鼻子; 作賊心虛。

hold up one's nose 昂首望天, 目中無人; 驕傲自大

in spite of sb.'s nose 不顧某人的反對

keep one's nose clean [美]不喝酒; 行為正派

keep one's nose out of 不過問, 不幹預

keep [hold, bring, put]sb.'s nose to the grindstone 折磨某人; 不給某人片刻休息

land sb. one [a blow]on the nose 壹拳打在某人鼻子上

lead sb. by the nose 牽著某人的鼻子走

look down one's nose at [口]藐視; 瞧不起; 不理會

make a long nose at sb. (把拇指擱在鼻端, 其余四指張開)對某人表示輕蔑, 嘲弄某人; 嗤之以鼻

make sb.'snose swell 令人羨慕, 使人忌妒

measure noses 遇見; 碰見

not to be able to see beyond one's nose 鼠目寸光; 見識短

on the nose [美俚]準確, 恰, 正好 [澳]令人反感, 令人作嘔

one's nose has lost a joint 受到排擠; 計劃遭到破壞

parson's [pope's]nose (煮熟的)雞鴨等禽類的屁股

pay through the nose 付出驚人的巨款, 付出很大代價; 被敲竹杠

play with sb.'s nose 嘲笑某人; 侮弄某人

poke [push, put, stick, thrust]one's nose into (other's business) 插手, 幹涉別人的事情

powder one's nose (婦女上廁所的委婉語)去化妝室, 出去壹下

pull sb.'s nose (=pull sb. by thenose) 拉某人的鼻子(壹種侮辱性的動作)

put one's nose in 露面, 出現, 到場

put sb.'s nose out of joint 排擠某人, 使某人失寵; 打亂某人的計劃, 使某人失望

Roman nose 鷹鉤鼻

rub sb.'s nose in it 使某人飽嘗不愉快的滋味以資懲戒; 刮某人的鼻子, 給某人鼻子抹灰

run at the nose 流鼻涕

saddle one's nose 戴眼鏡

see beyond one's nose (=see beyond the end of one's nose) 有遠見, 有眼光(常用於否定句)

show one's nose 露面, 出現; 到場

speak through one's nose 用鼻音說話

thumb one's nose (at) sb. (對...)作蔑視的手勢(把拇指擱在鼻端, 其余四指張開); [喻]無視, 拒不服從

turn up one's nose at 輕視, 瞧不起

under sb.'s (very) nose 就在某人眼前; 當著某人的面, 公開

white nose 白色的小浪頭

wipe sb.'s nose (of) 從某人手中奪取或騙取

with one's nose at the grindstone 費力地, 辛辛苦苦地做活[過日子等]

with one's nose in the air 神氣活現, 自高自大, 目空壹切

nose about[around] 到處嗅; 打聽; 刺探

nose after[for] 探索, 搜索

nose down (飛機機首朝下)(使)下降

nose into 駛往; 打聽; 幹預

nose out 嗅出, 聞出; 察覺出; 險勝

nose over (飛機)翻身, 機首著地而翻轉

nose to nose 面對面

nose up (飛機機首朝上)升起; 使升起