the
moon
watched
from
the
sky
behind
the
clouds
as
the
stars
blink
their
eyes
in
fatigue.
everything
is
now
in
slumber,
not
a
single
sound
nor
a
single
movement
can
be
seen
or
heard.
(月亮從雲後往下來,星星因倦意而眨眼著。所有的東西現在都進入了睡眠,沒有任何聲音或動作。)
2.
like
a
dim
lamp,
the
moon
shone
from
above.
the
stars
twinkle
their
eyes
with
curiousity.
there's
not
a
single
sound,
even
a
cattabox
like
the
crickets
are
asleep.
only
the
fireflys
are
still
awake,
carefully
weaving
a
picture
in
the
nightsky
with
their
gentle
strokes.
(月亮在天空好似壹盞夜燈。閃爍的星星好奇的眨著眼。夜裏壹點聲音都沒有,那些話嘮蟋蟀們也睡了。只有螢火蟲還醒著,小心翼翼的在夜空裏織著壹個畫。)
中文可能不對,我的中文渣,對不起。