第壹章 1.1 我要說壹句:當白癡的滋味可不像巧克力。別人會嘲笑妳,對妳不耐煩,待妳態度惡劣。喏,人家說,要善待不幸的人,可是我告訴妳——事實不壹定總是這樣。不過,話雖如此,我卻並不埋怨,因為我自認,我的生活可以說過得很有意思。 ?
? 1.1 LET ME SAY THIS: BEIN A IDIOT IS NO BOX OF CHOCOLATES. People laugh, lose patience, treat you shabby. Now they says folks sposed to be kind to the afflicted, but let me tell you— it ain't always that way. Even so, I got no complaints, cause I reckon I done live a pretty interestin life, so to speak. ?
1.1 中英雙語朗讀音頻 /wrpage/book/review/50600615_6TAsXNENu
1.2 我生下來就是個白癡。我的智商將近七十,他們說,這個數字跟我相符。不過,我可能比較接近智商三到七歲的低能兒,或者甚至更好壹點,智商八到十二歲的弱智;但是,我個人寧願把自己當作笨蛋或是其他什麽的——絕不是白癡——因為,人們壹想到白癡,多半會想成唐氏綜合征—就是那種兩只眼睛離得很近,而且嘴巴常常掛著口水,只跟自己玩的人。 ?
1.2? I been a idiot since I was born. My IQ is near 70, which qualifies me, so they say. Probly,tho, I'm closer to bein a imbecile or maybe even a moron, but personally, I'd rather think of myself as like a halfwit, or somethin— an not no idiot— cause when people think of a idiot, more'n likely they be thinkin of one of them Mongolian idiots— the ones with they eyes too close together what look like Chinamen an drool a lot an play with theyselfs.
1.2 中英雙語朗讀音頻 /wrpage/book/review/50600615_6TBHZGk79
1.3 唔,我反應遲鈍——這壹點我同意,不過我可能比旁人以為的聰明得多,因為我腦子裏想的東西跟旁人眼睛看見的有天壤之別。比方說,我很能思考事情,可是等我試著把它說出來或是寫下來,它就變得像果醬似的糊成壹團。
1.3? Now I'm slow— I'll grant you that, but I'm probly a lot brighter than folks think, cause what goes on in my mind is a sight different than what folks see. For instance, I can think things pretty good, but when I got to try sayin or writin them, it kinda come out like jello or somethin. ?
1.3 中英雙語朗讀音頻? /wrpage/book/review/50600615_6TDiyGDx5
1.4 讓我舉個例子解釋給妳聽。前些日子,我走在街上,有個人就在他家院子裏忙活兒。他弄了壹堆灌木要栽種,於是跟我說:“阿甘,妳想不想賺點錢?”我說:“嗯,唉。”於是他派我去搬泥土,用獨輪手推車搬了十壹二車的泥土,大熱天裏,走遍大街小巷去倒掉它。等我搬完了,他從口袋裏掏出壹塊錢。當時我應該為工資這麽低大鬧壹場,可是我卻收下了那壹塊錢,嘴裏只說得出壹句“謝謝”什麽的蠢話,然後走上街,手裏拿著那張鈔票——折上,打開,折上,覺得自己真像個白癡。 妳明白我的意思了吧?
1.4? I'll show you what I mean.? The other day, I'm walkin down the street an this man was out workin in his yard. He'd got hisself a bunch of shrubs to plant and he says to me, "Forrest, you wanna earn some money?" an I says, "Uh-huh," an so he sets me to moving dirt. Damn near ten or twelve wheel barrows of dirt, in the heat of the day, trucking it all over creation. When I'm thru he reach in his pocket for a dollar. What I shoulda done was raised Cain about the low wages, but instead, I took the damn dollar and all I could say was "thanks" or somethin dumb-soundin like that, an I went on down the street, wadding an unwadding that dollar in my hand, feeling like a idiot. You see what I mean ?
1.4 中英雙語朗讀音頻? /wrpage/book/review/50600615_6TF7sBJ34
1.5 說真的,我對白癡略有所知。這大概是我唯壹懂得的學問,不過我真的讀過這方面的東西——從那個叫什麽陀思妥耶夫斯基的家夥筆下的白癡,到李爾王的傻瓜,還有福克納的白癡,班吉,甚至《殺死壹只知更鳥》裏頭的拉德利——哦,他可是個嚴重的白癡。我最喜歡的是《人與鼠》裏頭的萊尼。那些寫文章的人多半說得對——因為他們寫的白癡都比旁人以為的聰明。嘿,這壹點我同意,隨便哪個白癡都會同意,嘻嘻!
1.5 Now I know something bout idiots. Probly the only thing I do know bout, but I done read up on them— all the way from that **Doy-chee-eveskieth**? guy's idiot, to King Lear's fool, an Faulkner's idiot, Benjie, an even ole Boo Radley in To Kill a Mockingbird— now he was a serious idiot. The one I like best tho is ole Lennie in Of Mice an Men. Most of them writer fellers got it straight—cause their idiots always smarter than people give them credit for. Hell, I'd agree with that. Any idiot would. Hee Hee.
1.5 中英雙語朗讀音頻? /wrpage/book/review/50600615_6TJlDGDLW 1.6 我出生後,我媽給我取名佛洛斯特,因為內戰期間有個將軍名叫納森·貝福·佛洛斯特[4]。媽媽總說我們跟佛洛斯特將軍有什麽親戚關系。而且他是個偉人,她說,不過內戰結束之後他創立了“三K黨”,連我奶奶都說他們是壹幫壞蛋。這壹點我倒是會同意,因為我們這兒有個自稱“尊貴的呸屁”還是什麽的家夥,在城裏開了壹家店賣槍。有壹次,當時我大概十二歲左右,我經過那家店,從窗子往裏望,他在店裏吊了壹根絞刑用的那種大大的繩環。他瞧見我在看,居然真的把它套在脖子上,然後把繩子往上壹抽,好像上吊似的,還吐出舌頭來嚇我。我拔腿就跑,躲在壹座停車場裏的車子後面,直到有人報警把我送回家交給我媽。所以,不管佛洛斯特將軍有什麽豐功偉績,創立K黨那玩意兒可不是什麽好心腸——隨便哪個白癡都會這麽告訴妳。不管怎麽說,我的名字就是這麽來的。
1.6? When I was born, my mama named me Forrest, cause of General Nathan Bedford Forrest who fought in the Civil War. Mama always said we was kin to General Forrest's family someways. And he was a great man, she say, cept'n he started up the Ku Klux Klan after the war was over an even my grandmama say they's a bunch of no-goods, which I would tend to agree with, cause down here, the Grand Exalted Pishposh, or whatever he calls hisslef, he operate a gun store in town an once, when I was maybe twelve year old, I were walkin by there and lookin in the winder and he got a big hangman's noose strung up inside. When he seen me watchin, he done thowed it around his own neck and jerk it up like he was hanged and let his tongue stick out and all so's to scare me. I done run off and hid in a parking lot behind some cars til somebody call the police and they come and take me home to my mama. So whatever else old General Forrest done, startin up that Klan thing was not a good idea— any idiot could tell you that yet. Nonetheless, that's how I got my name.
1.6 中英雙語朗讀音頻? /wrpage/book/review/50600615_6TKTnTBTL
1.7 我媽是個大好人,人人都這麽說。我爸,他在我剛出生之後不久就死了,所以我從來都不了解他。他在碼頭當裝卸工,有壹天,壹臺起重機從壹艘“聯合水果公司”的船上吊了壹大網的香蕉,結果不知道是什麽東西斷了,香蕉砸在我爸身上,把他壓成了煎餅。有壹次我聽到壹些人在談論那次意外——說當時情況慘不忍睹,半噸重的香蕉把我爸砸得稀爛。我個人不太喜歡吃香蕉,除了香蕉布丁,這個我倒是喜歡。 ?
1.7 My mama is a real fine person. Everbody says that. My daddy, he got killed? just after I's born, so I never known him. He worked down to the docks as a longshoreman and one day a crane was taking a big net load of bananas off one of them United Fruit Company boats and somethin broke and the bananas fell down on my daddy and? squashed him flat as a pancake. One time I heard some men talking bout the accident— say it was a helluva mess, half ton of all them bananas and my daddy squished underneath. I don't care for bananas much myself, except for banana pudding. I like that all right. ?
1.7 中英雙語朗讀音頻? /wrpage/book/review/50600615_6TMmBHf9t
1.8 我媽從“聯合水果公司”領到了壹點兒撫恤金,而且她還把我們的房子分租出去,所以我們的日子還過得去。我小時候,她總是把我關在屋裏,免得其他小孩子騷擾我。夏天下午,天氣熱壞了,她會把我安頓在客廳裏,拉上窗簾,讓房間暗壹點,涼快些,再給我弄杯檸檬汁。然後她就坐在那兒跟我聊天,就那麽壹直說個不停,也沒什麽特別的話題,就好像壹般人跟貓狗說話那樣。不過我也習慣了,而且蠻喜歡,因為她的聲音讓我覺得非常安全而舒服。 ?
1.8 My mama got a little pension from the United Fruit people and she took in boarders at our house, so we got by okay. When I was little, she kept me inside a lot, so as the other kids wouldn't bother me. In the summer afternoons, when it was real hot, she used to put me down in the parlor and pull the shades so it was dark and cool and fix me a pitcher of limeade. Then she'd set there and talk to me, jus talk on and on bout nothin in particular, like a person'll talk to a dog or cat, but I got used to it and liked it cause her voice made me feel real safe and nice. ?
1.8 中英雙語朗讀音頻? /wrpage/book/review/50600615_6TNVmA3R9
1.9 在我成長期間,(媽媽)她壹開始準我出去跟大家玩,可是後來她發現他們是在捉弄我。有天他們追我的時候,壹個男孩用棍子打我的背,弄出可怕的傷痕。那以後,她叫我不要再跟那些男孩子玩。於是我就開始試著跟女孩子玩,但情況也好不到哪兒去,因為她們都躲著我。媽媽認為念公立學校對我有益,因為也許這樣會幫助我變得跟其他人壹樣,但是上了幾天學之後,校方告訴媽媽我不該跟大家壹起上學。不過他們讓我念完了壹年級。 ?
1.9? At first, when I was growin up, she'd let me go out and play with everbody, but then she found out they's teasing me at all, and one day a boy hit me in the back with a stick while they was chasin me and it raised some fearsome welt. After that, she told me not to play with them boys anymore. I started trying to play with the girls but that weren't much better, cause they all run away from me. Mama thought it would be good for me to go to the public school cause maybe it would help me to be like everbody else, but after I been there a little while they come and told Mama I ought'n to be in there with everbody else. They let me finish out first grade tho.
1.9 中英雙語朗讀音頻 /wrpage/book/review/50600615_6TOePD7gm
1.10 有時候,老師在講課,我坐在那兒,也不知道自己腦子裏在想什麽,總之我開始看窗子外頭的鳥,還有在外頭那棵大橡樹上壹會兒爬來爬去、壹會兒又坐下的東西,於是老師就會走過來教訓我壹頓。有時候,我會被壹種很奇怪的感覺沖昏了頭,大吼大叫,她就叫我出去坐在走廊裏的長板凳上。其他孩子從來不跟我玩耍什麽的,除了追我或是惹得我號啕大哭,這樣他們就可以嘲笑我——除了珍妮·柯倫,起碼她不會躲著我,有時候放了學,她還讓我跟她壹起走路回家。
1.10? Sometimes I'd set there while the teacher was talkin and I don't know what was going on in my mind, but I'd start lookin out the winder at the birds and squirrels and things that was climbin and settin in a big old oak tree outside, and then the teacher'd come over and fuss at me. Sometimes, I'd just get this real strange thing come over me and start shoutin at all, and then she'd make me go out and set on a bench in the hall. And the other kids, they'd never play with me or nothin, except'n to chase me or get me to start hollering so they could laugh at me— all except Jenny Curran, who at least didn't run away from me and sometimes she'd let me walk next to her going home after class.
1.10 中英雙語朗讀音頻? /wrpage/book/review/50600615_6TOfM2mjy
1.11 可是第二年,他們安排我念另壹種學校,我告訴妳,那學校真古怪。就好像他們把所有找得到的怪人統統聚集在了壹起,有跟我壹樣年紀的,有比我小的,還有十六七歲的大男孩。他們都是各種程度的弱智、癲癇病患者,還有甚至不會自己吃東西上廁所的小孩。我大概是其中最正常的。有個胖胖的大塊頭,起碼有十四歲,他患了壹種病,發作起來會全身發抖,就好像坐電椅什麽的。我們老師瑪格麗特小姐都叫我陪他去上廁所,免得他做出什麽怪舉動。不過,他還是照做不誤。我不知道要怎麽攔阻他,所以索性把自己鎖在壹間廁所裏等他做完,然後再陪他走回教室。
1.11 But the next year, they put me in another sort of school, and let me tell you, it was wierd. It was like they'd gone around collection all the funny fellers they could find and put em all together, ranging from my age and younger to big old boys about sixteen or seventeen. They was retards of all kinds and spasmos and kids that couldn't even eat or go to the toilet by theyselfs. I was probly the best of the lot.? They was one big fat boy, must a been fourteen or so, and he was afflicted with some kinda thing made him shake like he's in the electric chair or somethin. Miss Margaret, our teacher, made me go in the bathroom with him when he had to go, so's he wouldn't do nothing wierd. He done it anyway, tho. I didn't know no way of stopping him, so I'd just lock mysef in one of the stalls and stay there till he's thru, and walk him back to the class. ?
1.11 中英雙語朗讀音頻? /wrpage/book/review/78306764_6TU36qMHz
1.12 我在那家學校待了大概五六年。其實那個學校並不太壞。他們會讓我們用手指繪畫,做些小東西,不過多半時間,他們只教我們怎麽系鞋帶啦,怎麽做就不會把食物弄翻啦,不要發狂大叫大哭,把大便扔得到處都是等等。他們沒教我們念書——除了認識路標,還有分辨男女廁所之類的。總之,學校裏有那麽多嚴重的傻瓜,要想教點別的東西其實是不可能的事。而且,我認為這種學校的目的是不讓我們惹別人煩。誰願意讓壹群弱智在外頭亂跑?這個道理連我都懂。
1.12 I stayed in that school for about five or six years. It wouldn't all bad tho. They'd let us paint with our fingers and make little things, but mostly, it just teaching us how to do stuff like tie up our shoes and not slobber food or get wild and yell and holler and throw shit around. They woul dn't no book learning to speak of— except to show us how to read street signs and things like the difference between the Men's and the Ladies' rooms. With all them serious nuts in there, it woulda been impossible to conduct anything more'n that anyway. Also, I think it was for the purpose of keeping us out of everbody else's hair. Who the hell wants a bunch of retards running aroung loose? Even I could understand that.?
1.12 中英雙語朗讀音頻? /wrpage/book/review/78306764_6U4GJPDZQ
1.13 我快滿十三歲時,開始發生壹些極不尋常的事。第壹,我開始長高。半年之內我長了六英寸,我媽壹天到晚得把我的褲子放長。再就是,我開始橫著長。到了十六歲時,我有六英尺六英寸高,兩百四十二磅重。我知道是這個緣故他們才帶我去稱體重。他們說簡直無法相信。之後發生的事使我的生活徹底改變。壹天,我從傻瓜學校放學回家,優哉遊哉走在街上,壹輛汽車停在我旁邊。車裏那家夥叫我過去,問我叫什麽名字。我告訴他,他又問我念什麽學校,他怎麽都沒在附近見過我。我告訴他那家傻瓜學校之後,他就問我有沒有打過美式橄欖球。我搖頭。其實我大可告訴他我見過別人玩,只是他們從不讓我玩。不過,我說過了,我不太擅長跟人長時間談話,所以我只搖了個頭。那大概是開學後兩個星期的事。
1.13? When I got to be thirteen, some pretty unusual things begun to happen. First off, I started to grow. I grew six inches in six months, and my mama was all the time havin to let out my pants. Also, I commenced to grow out. By the time I was sixteen I was six foot six and weighed two hundred forty-two pounds. I know that cause they took me in and weighed me. Said they just couldn't believe it. What happen next caused a real change in my life. One day I'm strollin down the street on the way home from nut school, and a car stop alongside of me. This guy call me over and asked my name. I told him, and then he asked what school I go to, andaq : how come he ain't seen me around. When I tell him bout the nut school, he asked if I'd ever played football. I shook my head. I guess I mighta told him I'd seen kids playin it, but they'd never let me play. But like I said, I ain't too good at long conversation, and so I just shook my head. That was about two weeks after school begun again. ?
1.13 中英雙語朗讀音頻? /wrpage/book/review/78306764_6U68HcZG4
1.14 過了三天左右,他們把我從那家傻瓜學校弄出來。我媽在場,還有那天開汽車的人和兩個打手型的人——我猜這兩個人在場的原因是以防萬壹我惹什麽事。他們把我抽屜裏的東西統統取出來,放進壹個褐色紙袋裏,然後叫我跟瑪格麗特小姐說再見。突然之間,她哭了起來,又用力摟抱我。過後我跟所有其他傻瓜說再見,他們流口水、抽筋,還用拳頭敲桌子。然後我就走了。媽媽跟那個家夥坐前座,我坐在後座的兩名打手中間,就好像電影裏面警察帶犯人“進城”的情形。只不過我們並不是進城。我們去新成立的高中。到了那兒,他們帶我進校長辦公室,媽媽和那個男人陪我壹起進去,那兩個打手在走廊上等。校長是個頭發灰白的老頭子,領帶上有塊汙漬,褲子松垮垮的,看起來活像也是從傻瓜學校出來的。我們統統坐下,他開始解說壹些事,又問我話,我只是點頭,不過他們的目的是要我打美式橄欖球。這個部分是我自己理解出來的。
1.14? Three days or so later, they come and got me outta the nut school. My mama was there, and so was the guy in the car and two other people what look like goons— who I guess was present in case I was to start somethin. They took all the stuff outta my desk and put it in a brown paper bag and told me to say goodbye to Miss Margaret, and alls of a sudden she commence to start cryin and give me a big old hug. Then I got to say goodbye to all the other nuts, and they was droolin and spasmin and beatin on the desks with they fists. And then I was gone. Mama rode up in the front seat with the guy and I set in back in between them goons, jus like police done in them old movies when they took you "downtown." except we didn't go downtown. We went to the new highschool they had built. When we got there they took me inside to the principal's office and Mama and me and the guy went in while the two goons waited in the hall. The principal was an old gray-haired man with a stain on his tie and baggy pants who look like he coulda come outta the nut school hissef. We all sat down and he begun explainin things and askin me questions, and I just nodded my head, but what they wanted was for me to play football. That much I figgered out on my own.
Vocabularies: Mongolian idiots—先天性愚癡癥; Tho=though 雖然;盡管;即使;halfwit 笨蛋;drool 口水;shrubs? 灌木叢? wheelbarrow 獨輪手推車 in the heat of day? 大熱天;炎炎烈日? all over creation 到處;? kin 親戚;家族? Ku Klux Klan 三K黨? no-goods 無用的人? exalted 高尚的;尊貴的; crane 起重機? helluva很大的; pension 撫恤金? boarder 租房子的人? parlor 客廳? shade 遮簾(美國英語); tease? 取笑;戲弄? fearsome 可拍的? welt 疤痕(毆打過後的);? squirrel 松鼠? oak 橡樹? fuss at 抱怨? holler 哭鬧,抱怨 ; retards (口語)笨蛋、傻子? ;spasms? 肌痙攣 ;? stall 小隔斷; commence 開始…;stroll down 漫步;goon 打手;暴徒? gray-haired 灰白;? stain 汙漬 ;? baggy 寬松的