古詩詞大全網 - 成語故事 - 人員配備英文


人員配備英文:Staffing;personnel allocation.


1、Portfolio Manager提供了需要的框架來使這個聯合容易實現,鼓勵討論,並允許基於工程出現的正在進行的人員配備調整。

Portfolio Manager provides the needed framework to facilitate this joining, stimulates the discussion, and allows for ongoing staffing adjustments based on the emergence of the project.?


While there are certain core functions that the majority of EPMOs perform, the role, the staffing, and the services or functions delivered vary to a surprising degree from one enterprise to another.?

3、最後,執行層領導必須傳遞這樣的信息:人員配備決定將基於Portfolio Manager提供的數據,而不接受其他可供選擇的數據。

Finally, executive leadership must deliver the message that staffing decisions will be based on the data that is provided from the Portfolio Manager and not accept alternative data.