例句: 壹個小標誌被雙面膠粘在墻上。A small sign was attached to the wall with peeling Sellotape.我們能吃掉兩個雙面煎蛋,培根和咖啡。We could handle a couple of eggs over easy, bacon and coffee.
傳感器用雙面膠粘在線段上,用白質塑料固定。Sensors are adhered to the segment using double sided adhesive tape and secured using Leukoplast. 是他們擔心的是雙面的強硬態度。What worries them is hardening attitudes on both sides.
雙面剃須刀比可拋棄型剃刀壽命長的多。A double edged razor will last a lot longer than disposable razors。備註:全彩色精美雙面海報免費送給每個讀者。Plus: Full-colour glossy double-sided poster FREE for every reader.