1.
lovely
2.
amiable
3.
cute
4.
likableness
5.
likability
6.
loveliness
7.
prettiness
8.
oveliness
9.
sweetness
10.cuteness
11.lovableness
Examples:
1.
這個可愛的小男孩長著漂亮的金黃色卷發。
The
lovely
boy
has
beautiful
blonde
curls.
2.
這幅畫中的小天使非常可愛。
The
cherub
in
the
painting
is
very
lovely.
3.
我姐姐的小嬰兒非常可愛。
My
sister's
infant
is
very
lovely.
4.
我的小女兒像個小精靈壹樣可愛。
My
little
daughter
is
as
lovely
as
an
elf.
5.
這個小女孩太可愛了,我把她叫做小精靈。
The
little
girl
is
so
lovely
that
call
her
a
sprite.
6.
那女孩玫瑰色的臉頰使她顯得非常可愛。
The
girl's
rosy
cheeks
made
her
look
very
lovely.
7.
讓這麽可愛的花園荒廢是極不應該的。
It's
a
crime
to
neglect
such
a
lovely
garden.
8.
我的小女兒像天使壹樣可愛。
My
little
daughter
is
as
lovely
as
an
angel.