古詩詞大全網 - 四字成語 - 7月的英文是什麽



  7月的英文是什麽: Jul.; July


 1. The Lugouqiao incident occured on July 7,1937.


 2. On July 7, Mr. Eustace and Mr. Schiller spoke over the phone.

 7月7日, 尤斯塔斯先生曾與席勒先生通話.

 3. The Lugouqiao incident took place on July 7 th, 1937.


 4. The peloton covers stage four July 7 in Reims, France.

 包括四個階段的珀萊東7月在蘭斯, 法國7.

 5. If you wereborn near July 7 , this could be a watershed moment.

 如果妳生於7月7日前後, 這將是個關鍵時刻.

 6. Payment is expected within 7 - 11 Business days after auction closing.


 7. On July 7 th three partners in another mortgage broker were also fined.


 8. Students must arrive by 6 pm, Sunday, July 7.

 學生必須於7月7日, 星期日, 約下午六點到.

 9. Give a plus or minus one week to the of July 7.


 10. We received your favor of July 7 a consignment of Japanese goods.


 11. The seven winners will be announced July 7 in Lisbon, Portugal.


 12. And that day was 7 th July, just in time in the camping.

 那天正好是7月7日的晚上.雖然中國用的是農歷, 不過也算巧了.

 13. At Silverstone , 7 th July 2002, the race was dominated by two Ferraris.

 2002年7月7日,英國銀石賽道, 比賽被兩臺法拉利所壟斷.

 14. July 7, 2001 - People's Daily.

 2001年7月7日 ? 人民日報.

 15. I think we are waiting for another rise, I think, about 6,7 months.

 我認為我們在等待另壹次上漲, 我認為, 大概在6、7月間.