1. 口無論如何,不管怎樣,至少,反正
That wasn't my fault, anyway.
It may rain, but we shall go anyway.
也許會下雨,可我們無論如何要去。 2. 不論以何種方式,不論從何種角度
You can do the job anyway you want.
這工作妳想怎麽幹都行。 3. 隨便地,草率地
He dumped the tools in the box just anyway.
他把工具隨隨便便往箱子裏壹扔。 whatever1. 任何...的事物;凡是...的東西
You must do whatever is best for you.
什麽對妳最有利妳就得做什麽。 2. 不管什麽
He'll push on with his project whatever the difficulties may be.
I'll post that letter whatever Wilson says.
不管威爾遜講什麽,我都要寄出那封信。 3. 口究竟什麽
Whatever do you mean by that?
妳說這話究竟是什麽意思? 4. 諸如此類
I don't really want to be a poet, dramatist, or whatever.