beat的意思是連續或反復地“打”,因此像心臟跳動、打鼓、打拍子等之類具有連續性或反復性的動作,壹般要用 beat。普通用詞,指用手或器械連續擊打,也指在遊戲、競賽或戰爭中戰勝對手;例如:He is still alive. His heart is still beating. 他還活著,他的心臟還在跳動;Listen. Someone is beating the drum. 聽!有人敲鼓。
如:My heart beats fast. 我的心跳得很快;Who is beating the drum? 誰在擊鼓;She was beating the dust out of the carpet. 她在敲打地毯上的灰塵(以敲打的方式除塵)。
He hit her hard in the face. 他重重地打了她壹耳光;The car ran out of control and hit a tree. 汽車失去控制,撞在樹上