古詩詞大全網 - 成語經典 - "關註"的英語單詞(動詞)



1. follow (an issue) closely

2. to pay close attention to

Relative explainations:

<Attention.> <concern> <prevenance>


1. 此事將引起我們的全部關註。

The matter will be given our exclusive attention.

2. 不斷增長的失業大軍引起了這名經濟學家的關註。

The increasing army of the unemployed has attracted the attention of the economist.

3. 該雜誌對防務內幕的透露引起了極大的關註。

The magazine's disclosure of defense secrets caused great attention.

4. 這是最受關註的地區。

This is the area that attracts the most attention.

5. 原子彈受到普遍的關註。

The atom bomb is of catholic concern.

6. 政府聲稱對失業表示關註純屬做做姿態。

The government's claim to be concerned about unemployment is sheer hypocrisy.

7. 希望妳對此給予關註。

I hope you will pay attention to this problem.


All of them pay close attention to and support the Olympic Games.