cakes 英[ke?ks] 美[ke?ks] n. 糕餅; 蛋糕; 餅狀食物; 餅; v. (用厚厚壹層幹後即變硬的軟東
西) 覆蓋; (幹後) 結成硬塊; 膠凝;?
cake的第三人稱單數和復數; 原型:?cake
[例句]There are 32 different kinds of chocolate on sale along with the bread and?cakes.
1、have your cake and eat it 得其利而無其弊;兩者兼得
2、a slice/share of the cake 應分得的壹份錢財(或好處)
a share of the available money or benefits that you believe you have a right to
3、take the cake 吃蛋糕吧
4、go/sell like hot cakes 暢銷
5、a piece of cake(informal)?輕而易舉的事;舉手之勞