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法國首席女歌手Mylene Farmer(瑪蓮法莫)壹手打造快紅新人*首發主打"Moi…Lolita"榮登8大國(法國、西班牙、意大利、德國、俄羅斯、以色列、荷蘭及波蘭等)銷售冠軍寶座。*繼Vanessa Paradis(凡妮莎帕拉迪絲)後第二位攻進英國金榜TOP 10的法國歌手

青春本就該自由自在的盡情發揮自我本能,法國新世代當紅女歌手Alizee/艾莉婕就是壹位蘊藏著藝術與歌唱潛能的女孩,自幼即對舞蹈、歌唱及演戲相當熱愛,1984年8月21日出生於法國南部海港-阿亞丘Ajaccio的她在2000年參加了法國電視臺M6新秀選拔的試鏡比賽,這壹試,壹舉驚艷了在場的法國首席女歌手Mylene Farmer(瑪蓮法莫)及其禦用制作人Laurent Boutonnat的目光,這對超級藝人/制作人組合隨即與Alizee簽下歌手合約,雙方合作錄制的處女單曲"Moi…Lolita"推出後風靡歐陸,席卷法國、西班牙、義大利、德國、俄羅斯、以色列、荷蘭及波蘭等8大國排行冠軍寶座,單曲銷量不但在法國獲頒鉆石唱片,包括比利時(雙白金)、瑞士(金唱片)、荷蘭(金唱片)及德國(金唱片)等歐陸各國都紛紛寫下雙白金或金唱片的紀錄,這些榮耀讓Alizee嘗到走紅的滋味,單曲"Moi…Lolita"同時在英國寫下新紀錄,成為繼法國著名歌星Vanessa Paradis(凡妮莎帕拉迪絲)後第二位打進排行榜Top10的法國女藝人。

挾"Moi…Lolita"的冠軍氣勢,Alizee的首張專輯“Gourmandises”在全球創下400萬張的銷售量,Alizee也贏得了M6音樂大獎與NRJ音樂獎所頒發的‘法國最有前途新人獎’以及‘最佳音樂網站’跟世界音樂獎。2001年,“Gourmandises”正式在德國、荷蘭、英國…等全歐以及俄羅斯、加拿大、日本發行,並在俄羅斯贏得了HIT FM AWARD。

2003年最新大碟Mes Courants Electriques壹推出立即擄獲法國排行榜亞軍,專輯由Mylene Farmer與Laurent Boutonnat制作,亞洲區特別盤中超值加收勇奪法國、德國等8國排行冠軍的成名單曲"Moi…Lolita",專輯中還收錄了最新攻占法國Top5、瑞士Top6、比利時Top7的單曲"J'en ai marre !",Alizee為了要回饋非法語區的歌迷,特地在此輯中收錄了"I'm Fed Up"(*"J'en Ai Marre"之英文版)、"I'm Not Twenty"、"Youpidoo"、"Amelie"等4首英文歌曲。



2000 年7月

那時甚至還不滿 16 的Alizée 她的第壹張唱片,"Moi Lolita" 就發行了。

這個年輕的科西嘉人 遇到 Mylene Farmer(瑪蓮法莫)及其禦用制作人Laurent Boutonnat 的那天 是她生命中的轉折點

這次會面的結果就是 她的第壹張專輯 "Gourmandises"。

2年過後 ,在世界各地超過4百萬張碟被銷售出,同時Alizée也獲得了很多獎項 - NRJ 獎, World Music 獎, M6 獎, 和其它歐洲獎項.


她的第二專輯"Mes Courants ?lectriques" ("我的電流" 也譯作 "魔法電波")仍然由Mylene Farmer 及 Laurent Boutonnat 創作出版,

"Mes Courants ?lectriques" 已經於 2003 年 3 月 18 號 在法國發行 。這張專輯中有特色的單曲 "I’m fed up" 壹首英文歌曲,是"J'en Ai Marre" 的英文版 ,為了回饋英語國家的歌迷。


Alizée (獅子座)1984 年8月21 日出生在可西嘉島沿海

她的童年在壹個海島上愉快地度過。 在初期,Alizée 尋求表達她藝術性的條紋。

對舞蹈充滿熱情 ,她在4 歲開始了教訓,通過她表演和唱歌教訓變得越來越接近演藝界。

在11 歲,她參與了飛機彩繪並贏取了壹等獎。 她不僅贏取了壹次到馬爾代夫的奇妙旅行,而且她的畫以實物大小 畫在 被命名為 Alizée 的 飛機上。 這標記了美妙,藝術性的事業的起點。



Alizee 資料

Name Alizée Jacotey

Birthplace Ajaccio/Corsica < click there for location

Birthday 21.08.1984

Zodiac sign Lion

Size about 1,61 m

Weight about 45 Kg

Hair-color brown

Eye-color dark-brown

Hobbies Dancing, theater, singing and friends

Prizes M6 Music Award, NRJ Music Award and World Music Award ...

Education Grammar School

She likes... The Beach , shopping, Dolphin, her black Labrador, Patrick Bruel, The color Purple

She dislikes... The color green, Lies and hypocrisies , Rap-Music (without french rap music)

Favourite Actor Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts

Favourite Johnny Hallyday, Mylene Farmer, Lara Fabian, Madonna

Favourite Sportsman Zinedine Zidane(Football/Soccer)

Favourite meal Asian kitchen

Favourite Movie "The deep blue" by Luc Besson

Family She has a little brother, Johann(r.), 11 years old, her father is computer scientist and her mother is businesswoman.

eMail-Address e-mail@moi-alizee.com

Homepage www.moi-alizee.com

Autogram-Address Alizée

c/o Polydor - Universal Music

20, Rue des Fossés-Saint-Jacques

F - 75005 Paris


Biografie Alizée, now aged 19, was born on the coast of Corsica on 21th of August. Hailing from Ajaccio, her childhood on the island was a happy one.

Early on, Alizée sought to express her artistic streak. She loved to dance and began lessons at the age of 4. She became increasingly familiar with, and drawn to show business through her acting and singing lessons. At the age of 11, she entered a drawing competition by coloring in an airplane and won first prize.

Not only did she win a marvelous trip to the Maldives - a life-size reproduction of her drawing was featured on the aircraft’s cabin, which was to be named "Alizée".

But her greatest chance was meeting Mylène Farmer and Laurent Boutonnat. In the year 2000, the chart-topping duo of nearly 15 years was seeking a young artist to sing the song "Moi... Lolita". It was by chance that their paths crossed. After a few studio tests with conclusive results she was chosen. The single was a huge success with over 1.5 million singles sold in France.

Her debut album entitled "Gourmandises" was then in the making. The music was composed by Laurent Boutonnat and Mylène Farmer wrote lyrics especially for Alizée based on her own desires, tastes and true life experience. Her songs are about teenage life, doubts, love and ... her greediness. The album was a huge success, going platinum in just 3 months with 300,000 copies sold and with sales to date amounting to over 800,000 copies in France.

The second single "L'Alizé", was released at the same time as the album, producing another hit and reaching number one in the charts with over 700 000 copies sold in France.

In 2001 Alizée has won interest abroad with international audiences beckoning her and her album due out in a number of European countries plus Canada, Russia and Japan. Alizée has also won a HIT FM AWARD in Russia.

The song "Moi... Lolita" has made exceptional headway for a French single and been a huge success in Europe.

Alizée has received a Gold Disc in the Netherlands after several weeks in the top 3 of the Dutch singles chart. And the same happened in Germany, where Moi…Lolita has also won a Gold Disc and Alizée has been in the Top 10 for several weeks and even reached number 5.

And now it is Britain's turn to welcome Alizée...

全名:Alizee Jacotey


生日 1984.08.21

星座 獅子座

身高 1,61

體重 45 公斤

頭發顏色- 褐色

眼睛顏色- 茶褐色

愛好 舞蹈,戲院,歌唱和朋友

獲得的獎 M6音樂獎,NRJ音樂獎和世界音樂獎。。。


她喜歡。。。 海灘,購物,海豚,她的黑色拉布拉多犬,Patrick Bruel, 紫色

她討厭。。。 綠色,謊言和虛偽 ,Rap-Music


喜愛的歌手:約翰尼·哈立代 ,法國歌手Mylene Farmer,法國天後Lara Fabian,麥當娜



喜愛的電影:"碧海藍天" 導演 呂克·貝松
