n.
放射,輻射;
發射;
發光
放射物;
輻射線[能]
散射器
生輻射形;測射出測量法;醫射線療法
語義擴展;
語義推演
irradiation
n.
放射,照射
闡明,啟發;
啟迪
物光滲;
光線;
輻照[射]
醫照射
擴散
這樣看不出來什麽區別吧?
其實通俗壹點講
雖然兩詞都有照射的意思
但是radiation是
"主動"的發出照射的壹方,而irradiation強調
"被動"被照射的物體,那個被照射的也可以說是
have
been
irradiated.
Radiation
is
emitted
from
something
and
travels
from
its
point
of
origin
to
somewhere
else.
When
radiation
hits
something
else
(and
is
therefore
stopped)
the
thing
that
has
been
hit
is
said
to
have
been
irradiated.
舉個例子
sunbather
is
undergoing
irradiation
by
radiation
emitted
by
the
sun.