古詩詞大全網 - 成語用法 - Katherine Mansefield是誰?什麽時候出生的?

Katherine Mansefield是誰?什麽時候出生的?



Katherine Mansfield凱瑟琳曼斯菲爾德


1888-1923 1888年至1923年

New Zealand's most famous writer, who was closely associated with DH Lawrence and something of a rival of Virginia Woolf.新西蘭最著名的作家,誰是密切勞倫斯和弗吉尼亞伍爾夫的競爭對手相關的東西。 Mansfield's creative years were burdened with loneliness, illness, jealousy, alienation - all this reflected in her work with the bitter depiction of marital and family relationships of her middle-class characters.曼斯菲爾德的創作年是背負著孤獨,疾病,嫉妒,異化-這壹切在她與痛苦的描寫反映的工作,婚姻和家庭關系,她的中產階級字符。 Her short stories are also notable for their use of stream of consciousness.她的短篇小說也顯著他們的意識流使用。 Like the Russian writer Anton Chekhov, Mansfield depicted trivial events and subtle changes in human behavior.像俄國作家契訶夫,曼斯菲爾德描述瑣碎事件和人類行為的微妙變化。

"Henry was a great fellow for books. He did not read many nor did he possess above half a dozen. He looked at all in the Charing Cross Road during lunch-time and at any odd time in London; the quantity with which he was on nodding terms was amazing. By his clean neat handling of them and by his nice choice of phrase when discussing them with one or another bookseller you would have thought that he had taken his pap with a tome propped before his nurse's bosom. But you would have been wrong." “亨利是壹個偉大的同胞書。他並沒有看過很多,他也有半打以上。他望著在查林十字道,在午餐時間,在任何時間,在倫敦多,數量與他所在點頭條件是驚人的。通過他的幹凈整潔,他們處理和他的漂亮的短語時,討論他們的選擇與壹個或壹個妳會以為他已經同他的前護士的懷抱支撐壹托梅他爸爸書商。但是,妳會都是錯誤的。“ (from 'Something Childish But Very Natural') (從'幼稚的東西,但很自然的')

Katherine Mansfield was born in Wellington, New Zealand, into a middle-class colonial family.凱瑟琳曼斯菲爾德出生於新西蘭惠靈頓,成為壹個中產階級家庭的殖民地。 Her father, Harold Beauchamp, was a banker and her mother, Annie Burnell Dyer, was of genteel origins.她的父親,哈羅德波尚是壹個銀行家和她的母親,安妮Burnell戴爾,是上流社會的起源。 She lived for six years in the rural village of Karori.她生活了六年,在卡羅裏農村年。 Later on Mansfield said "I imagine I was always writing. Twaddle it was, too. But better far write twaddle or anything, anything, than nothing at all."後來曼斯菲爾德說:“我想我壹直在創作。廢話是也。好遠,但寫廢話,或任何東西,沒有什麽比在所有。” At the age of nine she had her first text published.在9歲,她有她的第壹個文本出版。 As a first step to her rebellion against her background, she withdrew to London in 1903 and studied at Queen's College, where she joined the staff of the College Magazine.作為第壹步,她對她的背景叛亂,她退出倫敦,1903年和皇仁書院,學習,她加入了學院雜誌的工作人員。 Back in New Zealand in 1906, she then took up music, and had affairs with both men and women.回到新西蘭於1906年,她接手的音樂,並與男子和婦女事務。 Her father denied her the opportunity to become a professional cello player - she was an accomplished violoncellist.她的父親不讓她有機會成為壹名職業球員大提琴-她是壹個完成的大提琴家。 In 1908 she studied typing and bookkeeping at Wellington Technical College. 1908年,她在學習打字和簿記惠靈頓技術學院。 Her lifelong friend Ida Baker (LM, Leslie Moore in her diary and correspondence) persuaded Mansfield's father to allow Katherine to move back to England, with an allowance of ?100 a year.她終生的朋友井田貝克在她的日記和書信(流明,萊斯利摩爾)說服曼斯菲爾德的父親,讓凱瑟琳搬回英國,用100英鎊津貼壹年。 There she devoted herself to writing.在那裏,她賣力寫作。 Mansfield never visited New Zealand again.曼斯菲爾德從未到過新西蘭壹次。

After an unhappy marriage in 1909 to George Brown, whom she left a few days after the wedding, Mansfield toured for a while as an extra in opera.在1909年後,不幸的婚姻喬治布朗,被她幾天後離開了婚禮,曼斯菲爾德參觀了壹段時間,作為額外的歌劇。 Before the marriage she had an affair with Garnett Trowell, a musician, and became pregnant.結婚前,她曾與加內特特羅威爾,音樂家,和懷孕的事。 In Bavaria, where Mansfield spent some time, she suffered a miscarriage.在德國巴伐利亞州曼斯菲爾德花了壹些時間,她遭到了流產。 During her stay in Germany she wrote satirical sketches of German characters, which were published in 1911 under the title In a German Pension.在她在德國逗留期間,她寫了德語字符,其中在1911年出版的德國的退休金在標題諷刺草圖。 Earlier her stories had appeared in The New Age.此前她的故事曾經出現在新的時代。 On her return to London in 1910, Mansfield became ill with an untreated sexually transmitted disease, a condition which contributed to her weak health for the rest of her life.在她1910年返回倫敦,曼斯菲爾德病倒與治療性傳播疾病,這種情況這有助於她對她的余生薄弱的衛生。 She attended literary parties without much enthusiasm: "Pretty rooms and pretty people, pretty coffee, and cigarettes out of a silver tankard... I was wretched."她沒有太多的熱情參加文學各方:“美麗的房間,漂亮的人,漂亮的咖啡和香煙,啤酒杯銀出...我是可憐的。”

In 1911 Mansfield met John Middleton Murray, a Socialist and former literary critic, who was first a tenant in her flat, then her lover.曼斯菲爾德在1911年會見了約翰米德爾頓穆雷,社會主義和前文學評論家,誰是第壹個在她的住宅,然後她的情人房客。 Mansfield co-edited and contributed to a series of journals.曼斯菲爾德***同編輯並促成了壹系列的期刊。 Until 1914 she published stories in Rhythm and The Blue Review.直到1914年她出版的節奏和藍審查的故事。 During the war she travelled restlessly between England and France.戰爭期間,她前往英國和法國之間的躁動。 In 1915 she met her brother "Chummie". 1915年,她遇到了她的兄弟“Chummie”。 When he died in World War I, Mansfield focused her writing on New Zealand and her family.當他在第壹次世界大戰中死亡,她的曼斯菲爾德集中在新西蘭和她的家人寫作。 'Prelude' (1916), one of her most famous stories, was written during this period. '前奏曲'(1916年),她最有名的故事之壹,在此期間寫。 In 1918 Mansfield divorced her first husband and married John Murray.曼斯菲爾德在1918年她的第壹任丈夫離婚和結婚約翰默裏。 In the same year she was found to have tuberculosis.同年,她被發現患有肺結核。

Mansfied and Murray became closely associated with DH Lawrence and his wife Frieda. Mansfied及美利了密切的聯系勞倫斯和他的妻子弗麗達。 When Murray had an affair with the Princess Bibesco (née Asquith), Mansfield objected not to the affair but to her letters to Murray: "I am afraid you must stop writing these love letters to my husband while he and I live together. It is one of the things which is not done in our world."當穆雷曾與公主比貝斯科(姓阿斯奎斯)的事,不反對曼斯菲爾德的事,但她的信,默裏說:“我恐怕妳必須停止寫這些情書,我的丈夫,而我和他生活在壹起。這是的,而這並不是我們的世界所做的事情之壹。“ (from a letter to Princess Bibesco, 1921) (從信公主比貝斯科,1921年)

In her last years Mansfield lived much of her time in southern France and in Switzerland, seeking relief from tuberculosis.在過去幾年中,她住曼斯菲爾德她在法國南部和瑞士的許多時間,實事求是,結核病救濟。 As a part of her treatment in 1922 at an institute, Mansfield had to spend a few hours every day on a platform suspended over a cow manger.由於她治療的壹部分,在1922年的研究所,曼斯菲爾德不得不花費超過牛馬槽停牌平臺每天幾個小時。 She breathed odors emanating from below but the treatment did no good.她壹口氣從下面產生的氣味,但治療沒有任何好處。 Without the company of her literary friends, family, or her husband, she wrote much about her own roots and her childhood.如果沒有她的文學朋友,家人,公司或她的丈夫,她說很多關於她自己的根,她的童年。 Mansfield died of a pulmonary hemorrhage on January 9, 1923, in Gurdjieff Institute, near Fontainebleau, France.曼斯菲爾德死於肺出血於1923年1月9日,在葛吉夫學院附近的法國楓丹白露。 Her last words were: "I love the rain. I want the feeling of it on my face."她的最後壹句話是:“我愛雨。我想我面對它的感覺。”

Mansfield's family memoirs were collected in Bliss (1920), which secured her reputation as a writer.曼斯菲爾德的家庭收集的回憶錄布利斯(1920年),有擔保她作為壹個作家的聲譽。 In the next two years she did her best work, the peak of her achievement being the Garden Party (1922), which she wrote during the final stages of her illness.在未來兩年她極力的工作,這是她作為園黨(1922年),這是她在她生病的最後階段寫道成就的高峰。 Only three volumes of Mansfield's stories were published during her lifetime.只有3曼斯菲爾德的故事出版了在她的壹生。 'Miss Brill' was about a woman who enjoys the beginning of the Season. '麗爾小姐'是壹個女人誰得到了季節的開始。 She goes to her "special" seat with her fur.她去她的“特殊”的座位與她的皮毛。 She had taken it out of its box in the afternoon, shaken off the moth-powder, and given it a brush.她采取了出來其在下午框,擺脫了蛾粉,並給它壹刷。 She feels that she has a part in the play in the park, and somebody will notice if she isn't there.她認為,她在在公園玩的壹部分,有人會發現,如果她不存在。 A couple sits near her.壹對夫婦坐在靠近她。 The girl laughs at her fur and the man says: "Why does she come here at all - who wants her? Why doesn't she keep her silly old mug at home?"那女孩笑她的皮毛,該名男子說:“她為什麽來這裏的壹切-誰希望她?她為何不留在國內,她傻老杯?” Miss Brill hurries back home, unclasps the neckpiece quickly, and puts it in the box.布裏爾小姐趕緊回家,unclasps的neckpiece迅速,並提出在箱子裏。 "But when she put the lid on she thought she heard something crying." “但是,當她把蓋在她以為她聽到了哭泣。” In 'The Garden Party' (1921) an extravagant garden-party is arranged on a beautiful day.在'花園黨'(1921年)壹個奢侈的花園式的黨是安排在壹個美麗的壹天。 Laura, the daughter of the party's hostess, hears of the accidental death of a young local working-class man, Mr. Scott.勞拉,黨的女主人的女兒,聽到了壹個年輕的本地工作意外死亡壹流的男子,Scott先生。 The man lived in the neighborhood.該名男子住在附近。 Laura wants to cancel the party, but her mother refuses to understand.勞拉要取消黨,但她的母親拒絕理解。 She fills a basket with sandwiches, cakes, pastries and other food, goes to the widow's house, and sees the dead man in the bedroom where he is lying.她填補了三明治,糕點等食品籃子,去到寡婦家的房子,在臥室裏看到了死者,他是在說謊。 "He was wonderful, beautiful. While they were laughing and while the band was playing, this marvel had come to the lane." “他是美好的,美好的。當他們笑著,而樂隊演奏,這壹奇跡已到了線。” Crying she tells her brother who is looking for her: "'It was simply marvellous. But, Laurie - ' She stopped, she looked at her brother. 'Isn't life,' she stammered, 'isn't life - ' But what life was she couldn't explain. No matter. He quite understood."哭泣,她告訴她的哥哥是誰她說:“',這是了不起的只是尋找。但是,勞裏- '她停下來,她在看著她的弟弟。'不是生命,'她結結巴巴地說,'是不是生命- '但我們的生活是她無法解釋。不管。他很理解。“

Mansfield was greatly influenced by Anton Chekhov, sharing his warm humanity and attention to small details of human behavior.曼斯菲爾德是很大影響契訶夫,分享他的熱情和關註人類對人類行為的小細節。 Her influence on the development of the short story as a form of literature was also notable.她對作為壹種文學形式短篇小說發展的影響也是明顯的。 Among her literary friends were Aldous Huxley, Virginia Woolf, who considered her overpraised, and DH Lawrence, who later turned against Murray and her.在她的文學朋友們赫胥黎,弗吉尼亞伍爾夫,誰認為她過獎,和DH勞倫斯,誰對穆雷和後來變成她。 Mansfield's journal, letters, and scrapbook were edited by her husband.曼斯菲爾德的日記,書信,簽名簿的編輯和她的丈夫。

For further reading: The Autobiography of John Middleton Murry by JM Murry (1936); Katherine Mansfield by S. Daly (1965); The Fiction of Katherine Mansfield by M. Magalanr (1971); Life of Katherine Mansfield by RE Mantz (1974); Katherine Mansfield: A Biography by Jeffrey Meyers (1978); The Life of Katherine Mansfield by A. Alpers (1980); Katherine Mansfield by C. Hanson and A. Gurr (1981); A Bibliography of Katherine Mansfield by BJ Kirkpatrick (1990); Katherine Mansfield by Jane Phillimore (1990); Katherine Mansfield: A Study of Her Shorter Fiction by JF Kobler (1990); Critical Essays on Katherine Mansfield, ed.為進壹步閱讀:由JM墨瑞(1936年);凱瑟琳曼斯菲爾德自傳約翰米德爾頓墨瑞由S.戴利(1965年);的曼斯菲爾德由M. Magalanr(1971)小說,凱瑟琳曼斯菲爾德生活,重新曼茨(1974) ;凱瑟琳曼斯菲爾德:由傑弗裏邁耶斯(1978)傳記的曼斯菲爾德由A.阿佩爾(1980年);凱瑟琳曼斯菲爾德的長壽命漢森和A.古爾(1981年);由北京帕特裏克書目凱瑟琳曼斯菲爾德(1990年);凱瑟琳由Jane菲利莫爾(1990)曼斯菲爾德,凱瑟琳曼斯菲爾德:她的短由JF凱柏勒(1990年)小說研究;在曼斯菲爾德批評文章,編。 by L Rhoda B. Nathan (1993); Katherine Mansfield's Fiction by Patrick D. Morrow (1993); Illness, Gender, and Writing by Mary Burgan (1994); Katherine Mansfield by Saralyn R. Daly (1994); Radical Mansfield : Double Discourse in Katherine Mansfield's Short Stories by Pamela Dunbar (1997); The Critical Response to Katherine Mansfield, ed.由L羅達乙彌敦道(1993年);凱瑟琳曼斯菲爾德的由Patrick D.莫羅(1993年)小說,疾病,性別,和瑪麗布爾幹(1994)寫作;凱瑟琳曼斯菲爾德的Saralyn河達利(1994);自由基曼斯菲爾德:雙話語凱瑟琳曼斯菲爾德短篇小說由Pamela鄧巴(1997年);的臨界反應凱瑟琳曼斯菲爾德,教育署。 by Jan Pilditch (1995); Katherine Mansfield and Virginia Woolf by Angela Smith (1999); Katherine Mansfield: A Literary Life by Angela Smith (2000) - John Middleton Murry (1889-1957), writer and critic, born in London.由Jan皮爾迪奇(1995年);凱瑟琳曼斯菲爾德和弗吉尼亞伍爾夫的安吉拉史密斯(1999年);凱瑟琳曼斯菲爾德:由安吉拉史密斯(2000年) -約翰米德爾頓墨瑞(1889至1957年),作家和評論家,在倫敦出生的文學活動。 He studied at Oxford, and edited the Athenaeum (1919-21), Adelphi (1923-48), Peace News (1940-46).他曾在牛津大學,和編輯的雅典娜神殿(1919年至1921年),阿德菲(1923至1948年),和平新聞(1940至1946年)。 His major works include studies on Keats and Shakespeare (1925), DHLawrence (1931), William Blake (1933), and Swift (1954).他的主要作品包括莎士比亞和濟慈(1925年),DHLawrence(1931年),布萊克(1933)的研究,以及斯威夫特(1954)。 Towards the end of his life he became interested in agriculture, and he established a community farm in Norfolk.對他生命的最後,他對農業產生了興趣,他在諾福克建立了社區農場。

Selected bibliography:選擇書目:

In a German Pension, 1911 ?在德國的退休金,1911

Prelude, 1918 - niminovelli suomennettu valikoimassa Preludi (1953) ?前奏,1918年- niminovelli suomennettu valikoimassa Preludi(1953)

Bliss, and Other Stories, 1920 ?極樂,及其他故事,1920

Garden Party, and Other Stories, 1922 - includes the stories 'Prelude' and 'Je ne parle pas francais' - niminovelli suomennettu valikoimassa Puutarhakutsut (1963) ?園遊會,及其他故事,1922年-包括故事'前奏曲'和'濟東北帕爾雙人舞法蘭西' - niminovelli suomennettu valikoimassa Puutarhakutsut(1963)

Poems, 1923 ?詩,1923

The Dove's Nest, and Other Stories, 1923 ?在鴿的巢,及其他故事,1923

Something Childish, and Other Stories, 1924 ?東西幼稚,及其他故事,1924

The Journal of Katherine Mansfield, 1927 (ed. by JM Murry) ?華爾街日報凱瑟琳曼斯菲爾德,1927年(編按JM墨瑞)

The Letters of Katherine Mansfield, 2 vols., 1928-1929 (ed. by JM Murry) ?對凱瑟琳曼斯菲爾德,2卷中的字母。,1928至1929年(編按JM墨瑞)

The Aloe, 1930 ?在蘆薈,1930

Stories by Katherine Mansfield, 1930 ?由凱瑟琳曼斯菲爾德的故事,1930年

Novels and Novelists, 1930 ?小說和小說家,1930年

The Scrapbook of Katherine Mansfield, 1939 ?在剪貼簿凱瑟琳曼斯菲爾德,1939

Collected Stories, 1945 ?收集的故事,1945年

Katherine Mansfield's Letters to J. Middleton Murry, 1951 ?凱瑟琳曼斯菲爾德來信至J.米德爾頓墨瑞,1951

Journal of Katherine Mansfield, Definitive Edition, 1954 ?雜誌曼斯菲爾德,通用版,1954年

The Critical Writings of Katherine Mansfield, 1987 ?對凱瑟琳曼斯菲爾德,1987年寫作的關鍵

The Collected Letters of Catherine Mansfield: 1918-1919, 1987 ?凱瑟琳曼斯菲爾德的書信集:1918年-1919年,1987年

The Collected Letters of Catherine Mansfield: 1920-1921, 1996 (vol. 4) ?凱瑟琳曼斯菲爾德的書信集:1920年-1921年,1996年(第4卷)

The Garden Party: The Collected Short Stories of Katherine Mansfield (vol. 2), 2000 ?花園黨:收集到的短篇小說凱瑟琳曼斯菲爾德(第2卷),2000

The Dove's Nest: The Collected Short Stories of Katherine Mansfield (vol. 3), 2000 ?在鴿子的巢:收集到的短篇小說凱瑟琳曼斯菲爾德(3卷),2000

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