古詩詞大全網 - 成語用法 - feature是什麽意思及feature的例句匯總



n.特征;特色;容貌;特寫;故事片 ?

vt.以 ... 為特色 be a feature of; make sb/sth a feature

vi.起重要作用 be a feature or attraction; include as a leading preformer


More complex sentence types featured advanced-level dialogues.高年級課程中的對話以句子類型更為復雜為特點。

Round-the-clock service features this store.晝夜服務是這個商店的特色。

This film features John Smith.約翰·史密斯主演了這部影片。

The magazine is featuring his articles.該雜誌正在特載他的文章。

The newspaper featured the story of the murder.該報以顯著地位報道謀殺案。

The show featured dogs of every description.展覽會中展示了各式各樣的狗。

We found the father featured in the daughter.我們發現此女酷似其父。