Although more and more people are inclined to (sth/ doing sth), there are still some who hold the opposite view/opinion. They may think/ they believe that (opposite opinions here). 翻譯:盡管越來越多的人傾向於(某事或做某事,這裏用名詞或動名詞),仍然有不少人持反對觀點。他們認為(這裏寫反對觀點,寫壹句完整的句子)
Although more and more people are inclined to (sth/ doing sth), there are still some who hold the opposite view/opinion. They may think/ they believe that (opposite opinions here). 翻譯:盡管越來越多的人傾向於(某事或做某事,這裏用名詞或動名詞),仍然有不少人持反對觀點。他們認為(這裏寫反對觀點,寫壹句完整的句子)