古詩詞大全網 - 成語大全 - 投訴英文怎麽說





 lodge a complaint

投訴的相關 短語

 投訴熱線 dial-a-cheat confidential hotline ; Complaints Hotline ; Complaint hotline

 投訴建議 Complaints proposals ; Suggestion ; complaints ; Complaint and Advice

 投訴箱 Complaint Box

 提出投訴 Make A Complaint

 投訴主任 complaints officer

 監督投訴 Monitoring complaints

 建議投訴 Feedbacks ; Suggestions and complaints

 投訴舉報 Complaints Report ; Claim ; complaint and report

 取消投訴 Cancel Complaint


 1. If you are not happy about a repair, go back and complain.

 如果妳對 修理 效果不滿意,可以再找他們投訴。

 2. Beach users have complained about people walking their dogs on the sand.


 3. The magazine will desist from such language after receiving complaints.


 4. People should complain when they consider an advert offensive.

 民眾如果認為某個 廣告 具有冒犯性就應該投訴。

 5. The leaflet explains how to complain to the banking ombudsman.


 6. If you can't get any satisfaction, complain to the park owner.


 7. His persistent attempts to complain to his superiors were blocked and ignored.


 8. The approach was intended to short-circuit normal complaints procedures.

 這種 方法 旨在避開正常的投訴程序。

 9. My first attempts at complaining were rather tentative.


 10. Mr Charles complained, to no effect.


 11. We have been bombarded with letters of complaint.


 12. I'm going to complain to the manager about this.


 13. The most common complaint is about poor service.


 14. He has complained of being harassed by the police.


 15. What would you say to Mrs So-and-so who has called to complain about a noisy neighbour?



 VideoJug and Jerry Bilo, an advisor from UK consumer advice service Consumer Direct, tells us how to complain successfully. So follow this guide for the best way to make a complaint.

 VideoJug和英國消費者建議服務機構顧問Jerry Bilo告訴我們怎樣成功投訴自己的不滿。

 Step 1: In person


 Wherever possible complain in person as you are more likely to get results. Make sure you are taking your complaint to the person in charge, as they will be the one with the authority to settle the complaint. Be assertive but never aggressive.


 Step 2: State your case


 If you are unhappy with a service or goods you have paid for identify why. Be clear about what is wrong or how you feel you have been mistreated. Say what you want done to rectify the problem. And importantly, give a deadline for action to be undertaken. This ensures the matter is resolved promptly, and if not gives you reason to take further steps.


 Step 3: Keep calm


 Be clear and concise at all times, and whatever you do - don't lose your temper. This will only make you appear unreasonable,or even worse: threatening.


 If you are complaining over the telephone keep a note of what is said, who you spoke to along with the time and date.


 Step 4: In writing


 Unless your complaint was settled on the spot, always back up a compliant in writing. This particularly crucial if you complained over the phone. Again, reiterate the problem, what you want done about it and set a timescale for the complaint to be rectified.


 Step 5: Keep records


 Look after any receipts, paperwork, photos or other evidence and keep a copy of all correspondence. If your complaint is ignored or not adequately settled you will need this evidence to take things further.

 保存好所有 收據 ,文件,照片或 其它 證據,所有通信都留有副本。如果妳的投訴被忽略了,或者沒有得到充分解決,妳需要這些證據來采取進壹步行動。

 Step 6: Second opinion


 It can be useful to seek out a second opinion especially that of a qualified expert if you feel your complaint is not being upheld. This may cost you money that you are unable to recuperate but will help if you need to take legal action.


 Step 7: Don't give up


 Finally, if your complaint is falling on deaf ears don't give up. Keep persevering until you have gotten an outcome you are happy with. Get advice from a consumer organisation, in the UK this would be Consumer Direct, they will supply further information about resolving your particular complaint.

 最後,如果對方沒有理會妳的投訴,不要放棄。壹定要堅持,直到獲得滿意的結果。向消費者組織征求意見,英國的相關組織是Consumer Direct,他們會為妳解決自己的投訴提供進壹步的信息。

 Don't settle for second rate service, get what you deserve.



1. 關於餐廳投訴的英語對話

2. 關於?看?的各種英文表達

3. 投訴的英語單詞

4. BEC英語寫作技巧:投訴信的寫作模板範文

5. 投訴信英文範文