古詩詞大全網 - 成語大全 - 下車英語


下車的英文: debus

 let off



 Get off; descend

 下車;動身;脫下(of a bus,coach,etc) allow sb to get off.

 (指公***汽車、長途汽車等)讓某人下車。Shall I get down here for the art Gallery?

 去美術館是在這兒下車嗎?( of a vehicle or its driver)stop and allow(a passenger)to get off

 (指車輛或司機)停下來讓(乘客)下車I can let you off at Fifth avenue.

 我可以在第五大道讓您下車。I can drop you off at Normandy Ave.

 我可以在諾曼蒂大街讓您下車。Take bus No.76 and get off at the Prince Hotel stop.

 乘76路車,在王子飯店那站下車。The pained animal's voice rasped on Scarlett's nerves until she was temped to stop and untie the beast.

 那淒慘的叫聲使得思卡利特神經壹根根地豎起來,幾乎要跳下車將這動物放掉。I get off the train.

 我下車。Get off, please.


 vt. 卸下

 vi. 下車


 v. 允許;讓;假設;出租

 n. 擦網球

 Let it be as you desire.

 就按照妳的意思辦吧。Let in sheathing.

 鑲進夾襯板。He let go of the pole and let it fall.


 adv. 掉,下;離開;隔開;切斷;停止;;休息;光,完,盡;全部地

 prep. 從...離開;從...向下;在...的外面;偏離...;從...分岔;不再從事...;低於...

 adj. 關著的;停止流通的.;延期的;取消的;不工作的;處於...境況的;蕭條的


 n. 關掉

 Is the water on or off?

 自來水龍頭開著還是關著?The gilt is off.

 幻想破滅了。to nip off; to cut off; to break