International Working Women's Day
Women's Day
尼泊爾婦女節歌曲 Nepali Womens Day song
婦女節是在 women's day is in
國際勞動婦女節 International Working Women's Day ; Women's Day ; International Women's Day ; Internineing Working Womenas Day
婦女節英文詩歌 Tabula Rasa
關於婦女節的 International women's day
世界農村婦女節 World Rural Women's Day
世界才藝婦女節 World Festival of Creative Women
國際婦女節 international women' day ; International Women's Day ; Journée internationale de la femme
1. March 8 is the International Woman's Day.
2. March 8 th is the International Working Women's Day.
3. Wishes the March Eighth to be joyful, is forever young attractively!
祝三八婦女節快樂, 永遠年輕漂亮!
4. A to women leaders and those areto honor the International Women's Day!
5. In Vietnam, the holiday is akin to Valentine ? Day.
越南的 婦女節 相當於情人節.
6. International Women's Day is celebrated each year on March 8 th.
7. International Women's Day 2009 Theme.
8. Happy Women's Day, Mum!
婦女節快樂, 媽媽!
9. Happy Women's Day, Grandma!
婦女節快樂, 奶奶!
10. Heute ist Internationaler Frauentag. Willst Du mir wei ? machen , dass Ihr den nicht feiert?
今天是三八婦女節呀. 難道國外不慶祝 嗎 ?
11. Today is the International Working Women's Day, so I bought a gift for my mother.
今天是國際勞動婦女節, 我給媽媽買了壹個小禮物.
12. March 8 is celebrated every year by women rights groups and activists as International Women's day.
3月8日是國際婦女節,每年女權組織和 *** 人士都會舉行慶祝儀式.
13. As usual, the town *** en decorated the streets with flags and flowers to celebrate the Women's Day.
向往常壹樣, 市民們用旗幟和鮮花裝點街道,慶祝婦女節.
14. May you be young and pretty forever and have perfect marriage. Happy Women's Day.
祝妳永遠年青,漂亮,婚姻美滿. 婦女節快樂.
15. Mike: No problems at all. Our pany has Equal Employment Opportunity and supports International Women's Day.
麥克: 沒問題.在我們的公司,每個員工都有平等的工作機會. 我們公司還過國際婦女節呢!