古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - 采訪用英語怎麽說 采訪的英語翻譯?

采訪用英語怎麽說 采訪的英語翻譯?

采訪的英語有兩種說法,可以翻譯為 A-Nation,還網絡中常譯為” Interview”,在《英漢簡明詞典》中,***找到11個與采訪相關的短語翻譯和用法。

reporter interviewer Paragrapher staffer ( 采訪教務老師 )

exclusive interview Interview absolute account Scope ( 獨家采訪 )

acquisition department ( 采訪部 )

interviewer Journalist In an interview with ( 采訪者 )

News Gathering Interviewing in Journalism ( 新聞采訪學 )

1. The journalist was interviewing the iron Man.

2. Why aren’t you on your way downtown?

3. He wants to come by for some questions tomorrow

4. Ken, don’t worry i’m not here to do an interview

5. Did the others get interviews?

6. – Good luck with your interview.

7. Are we on for the interview?

8. – She’s being interviewed.
