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Some facts about tea 課文翻譯

Tea isthe most popular drink in the world after water.除了水,茶是世界上最受歡迎的飲料了。There are thousands of different kinds of tea.茶的品種成千上萬All tea comes from the leaves and buds of the tea plant.所有的茶都是茶樹的葉子和嫩芽做成的After picking the leaves and buds,the farmers process them into black tea,oolong tea,green tea or white tea.葉子和嫩芽采來以後茶農把它們加工成紅茶(註意翻譯成紅茶不是黑茶,烏龍茶,綠茶或白茶

Black tea was invented in China in the Ming Dynasty as a way to keep tea fresh為了讓茶保持新鮮,我國在明代就發明了紅茶.As tea has to travel a long way to reach places such as the UK,Canada and Australia,因為把茶運到英國加拿大,澳大利亞要經過很遠的路途Westerners drink mostly black tea.

西方人喝的最多的是紅茶However, the majority of the world drinks green tea.Herbal tea is not really tea.但是世界上大部分人喝綠茶。藥茶不是真正的茶It mainly contains herbs,fruits,spices,but no leaves must come from this plant.


All tea naturally contains caffeine.所有的茶含有天然咖啡因Caffeine is in the tea leaves.咖啡因存在於茶葉中Decaffeinated tea is regular tea(usually green or black),but people have processed it to take away the caffeine.不含咖啡因的茶就是普通茶(常喝的綠茶或紅茶)人們在加工時就去除了其中的咖啡因

In recent years,organic tea has also become popular.近年來有機茶也越來越受歡迎It is tastier and healthier.它口感更好也,更健康However,usually it costs more than non-organic tea.但它壹般比非有機茶要貴This is because the size of the tea crop is often smaller.因為這種茶的茶樹通常比非有機茶的茶樹矮小