古詩詞大全網 - 漢語詞典 - “參加” 用英文表達有哪幾種

“參加” 用英文表達有哪幾種

attend to take part into taketo join有這幾個應該可以了吧再給妳家個例子好了參加會談

to take part in talks 參加會議

to attend a meeting; to take part in a meeting; to participate in a conference 參加錦標賽

to join/take part in the tournament 參加考試

to take an exam; to go in for an examination; to attend an examination; to enter for an examination; to sit for an examination 參加晚會

to attend/participate in/join/show up at an evening 參加宴會

to attend/participate in/join/show up at a dinner/banquet 參加義務勞動

to undertake/take part in voluntary/volunteer work 參加運動會

to take part in the game/sports meeting 參加葬禮

to attend a funeral 觀眾參加節目

audience participation