古詩詞大全網 - 漢語詞典 - 求Owl City的《The Technicolor Phase》中英文歌詞

求Owl City的《The Technicolor Phase》中英文歌詞

I am the red in the rose the flowers on the blankets on your bedroom floor 我是玫瑰裏的壹點紅暈 是妳閨中地毯上那叢花瓣

And I am the gray in the ghost 我是被施了咒語的魔裏的灰

that hides with your clothes behind your closet door 把自己藏在妳的門後飄動的裙帶

I am the green in the grass that bends back from underneath your feet 我是妳踏過後又追著妳的氣息不忍躺去的青草

And I am the blue in your back-alley view where the horizon and the rooftops meet


If you cut me I suppose I would bleed the colors of the evening stars 妳若真忍心傷我那我的血滴定能染紅夜間所有的星

You can go anywhere you wish cuz I ll be there wherever you are

我願追妳 不離不棄 到天際

(…wherever you are 不論妳在哪)

will always meet your gaze我願追隨妳的目光

When we are lost in the Technicolor phase當我們在城市的光怪陸離裏迷失自己

I am the black in the book, the letters on the pages that you memorize也許最初妳的生命裏沒有我的位置,在妳悄然發覺的那壹頁

And I am the orange in the overcast a color that you visualize我是天邊為妳絢爛的火燒雲,壹種讓妳回眸的顏色

I am the white in the walls that soak up all the sound when you cannot sleep當妳輾轉反側難以入眠,我定然是那面墻壁,為妳驅逐去所有世間吵雜

And I am the peach in the starfish on the beach我是與沙灘上海星嬉戲的陽光

that wish the harbor wasn t quite so deep希望這巷兒沒有這般悠長

If you cut me I suppose I would bleed the colors of the evening stars 妳若真忍心傷我那我的血滴定能染紅夜間所有的星

You can go anywhere you wish cuz I ll be there wherever you are我願追妳 不離不棄 到天際

(…wherever you are不論妳在哪

…my darling我的至愛

…wherever you are不論妳在哪

…wherever you are~~不論妳在哪)