firstname讀音:英 [?fst ne?m];美 [?frst ne?m]。
1、See the following: display the contacts list in lastname, firstname format. 請參閱:以“姓氏,名字”的格式顯示“聯系人”列表。
2、In the available fields list, double-click firstname to move that field to the selected fields list. 在“可用字段”列表中,雙擊“名字”以將該字段移動到“選定字段”列表中。
3、Map the third data field to the second column, firstname. 將第三個數據字段映射到第二列firstname。
4、For each Author instance, the firstName should be set to the value of the first attribute on the name element. 對於每個Author實例,firstName應該設置為name元素上的first屬性的值。
5、In other words, an opening firstName element is never closed or an opening angle bracket is missing. 換句話說,firstName元素總是缺少結束標識,或缺少開頭的尖括號。
6、This method simply returns the firstName and lastName fields, concatenated with a space in between. 這個方法只返回firstName和lastName字段,中間使用壹個空格連接。
7、Based on firstname, lastname probability tables and rules, we designed an effective system for automatic indentification of Chinese names in text. 獨立於自動分詞,我們運用姓名用字概率和規則,設計並實現了壹個中文姓名辨識系統。
8、Parameters that represent fields to update, such as firstname, must match the name of DataField property of a grid column. 代表更新字段的參數(例如firstname)必須與網格列的DataField屬性名相匹配。