1、Mr Brown, could you spare a?few?minutes.布朗先生,妳能抽出壹點兒時間嗎?
2、Four decades later, equally?few?people have heard of Rob Carlson.四十多年後,聽說過羅伯·卡爾森(Rob Carlson)的人同樣很少。
3、The calendar called the school year ran out on them a?few?weeks ago.幾個星期前,學年的日歷就用完了。
4、Few?such middling black holes have been discovered, and scientists aren't sure how they form.少數幾個中等質量的黑洞已經被發現了,但是科學家們還不能肯定它們是怎樣形成的。
5、The facts are buried in a?few?old books那些事實只有在幾本舊書中才能找到。
6、Everything has gone wrong for her in the past?few?days.在過去的幾天裏,她事事不稱心。
7、Few?businesses are flourishing in the present economic climate.在目前的經濟氣候下,很少有企業興旺發達。