古詩詞大全網 - 漢語詞典 - aisle英語怎麽讀




1.I walked down the aisle of the grocery store, searching for my favorite brand of cereal.(我走在雜貨店的過道上,尋找我最喜歡的麥片品牌。)

2.The bride looked stunning as she walked down the aisle towards her groom.(新娘走在通向新郎的通道上,看起來非常迷人。)

3.The airplane aisle was narrow, making it difficult for passengers to move around.(飛機的通道很窄,乘客很難四處走動。)

4.The store manager instructed his employees to keep the aisle clear of any obstacles.(店長指示員工保持通道上沒有任何障礙。)

5.The museum exhibit was arranged in a long aisle, allowing visitors to view each piece at their own pace.(博物館的展覽陳列在壹條長長的通道上,讓遊客可以按照自的節奏觀看每件展品。)

6.The flight attendant walked up and down the aisle, offering drinks and snacks to the passengers.(空乘人員在機艙通道上走來走去,向乘客提供飲料和小吃。)