Symptoms 癥狀
Influenza 流感
Patients 患者
swine influenza virus 豬流感病毒
inspection and quarantine 檢查和隔離
high fever, cough, fatigue, anorexia, muscle pain 高燒、咳嗽、疲勞、厭食、肌肉疼痛
headache and runny nose 頭痛、流涕
Mexico 墨西哥
medical treatment 醫學處理
When coughing or sneezing, cover mouth and nose with tissue paper 用紙巾掩住口鼻
personal hygiene 個人衛生
local public health agencies 當地的公***衛生處理處
(512地震 earthquake)
shake 震動;搖晃
temblor [美語] 地震
hit 襲擊、打擊,使遭受
strike 突然發生;打擊
jolt 使顛簸,搖晃
rock 搖,搖動,使振動
roll across 波動,起伏,橫搖
devastate 蹂躪,破壞;使荒廢;毀滅
level 推倒,夷平
flatten 夷為平地
seismological 地震學上的
seismology 地震學
seismograph 地震儀
seismographer 地震學家
aftershock 余震
smaller tremors 小地震
epicenter 震中
magnitude 震級
Richter Scale(1-10) 裏氏震級
at a scale of 7.8 on the Richter calculations 裏氏7.8級地震
earthquake monitoring 地震監控
tsunami 海嘯
rock and mud slides 泥石流
tsunami warning system 海嘯預警系統
tidal waves 潮汐波,浪潮
natural disaster 自然災害
tragedy 災難
wreckage 殘骸
death toll 死亡人數
survivors 幸存者
victims 受災者
international contributions 國際援助
evacuation 撤離
rescue team 救援小組
suffered great loss 遭受了巨大損失
as long as both hands, will be able to rebuild their homes“只要有雙手,家園就能重建”
As long as there is even a little hope, we will redouble our efforts 100 times and will never relax our efforts 只要還有壹絲希望,我們也會付出100倍的努力永不放棄我們的希望!(兩句都是溫總理說的)
In a battle to save the lives of all people, the victory will come after a disaster test of the Chinese nation. 在壹場拯救生命的全民戰鬥中,勝利終將屬於歷經災難考驗的中華民族。
The earthquake destroyed nearly everything in Wenhuan country Sichuan province. 地震幾乎毀掉了四川省汶川縣的壹切
Their great spirits showed the powerful life vitality of humans 他們的偉大精神體現了人類頑強的生命力
(financial crisis 金融危機)
real estate 房地產
share 股票
macroeconomic 宏觀經濟
saving account 儲蓄帳戶
go under 破產
take a nosedive (股市)大跌
tumble 下跌
pension fund 養老基金
budget 預算
deficit 赤字
money-loser 虧損企業
inventory 存貨
traded company, trading enterprise 上市公司
transparency 透明度
market fundamentalist 市場經濟基本規則
entrepreneur 企業家
volatility 波動
diversification 多元化
merger 並購
bad debt 壞帳
fiscal stimulus 財政刺激
a store of value 保值
Treasury bond 財政部公債
pickup in rice 物價上漲
inflation 通貨膨脹
deflation 通貨緊縮
tighter credit 緊縮信貸
monetary policy 貨幣政策
foreign exchange 外匯
spread 差幅
contract 合同
at par 平價
global corporation 跨國公司
bailout 救助
take over 收購
falter 搖搖欲墜
By the way,我也是高三滴,就考大學了,以上是我之前總結的,希望對妳有用吧~!加油咯~!