古詩詞大全網 - 藝術簽名 - 20157月份最新英文個性簽名


1. "if 1 + 2 = 3, 2 + 1 = 3. So if I love you can you love me?" "1 + 3 = 4, 2 + 2 = 4, all I love you not to be" me too "."

2. Maybe I loved, not to chase his travel; May we always said not fit him, in fact, just not put memory.

3. If one day, I become defiant. Please remember, ever also no one put me at ease.

4. Time as if in a moment, but also bring us a lot of time looking forward to.

We stood fate hands heart, never escape. I know I'm not beautiful, but beauty should not be written on the face.

6. - in fact, I think we get married

7. The sunrise is beautiful, but, side is that you already rotting corpses

8. A horsed around long enough not revealed how much people's voice

9. - I love the boy once, her hand, holding you still habits

10. Had no words do not say, now have nothing to say.