Dialogue 1 Greetings and Self-introduction 問候與自我介紹 Dialogue 2 Making Inquiries and Answering Questions 咨詢與解答問題 Dialogue 3 Giving Suggestions and Making Explanations 建議與解釋 Dialogue 4 Expressing Tnanks and Making Apologies 致謝與道歉 Dialogue 5 Saying Goodbye 道別 Dialogue 6 Dealing with Complaints 投訴與安撫 Dialogue 7 Potential VIP Customer 挖掘引導優質客戶 Dialogue 8 Maintaining the Relationship with VIP Customers 營銷維護優質客戶 Dialogue 9 Advising Customers 更正指導客戶 Dialogue 10 Transfer Service 轉賬業務 Part Ⅱ Savings and Loans 儲蓄和貨款 Dialogue 1 Opening Accounts and Depositing(I) 開戶(壹) Diaogue 2 Opening Accounts and Depositing(Ⅱ) 開戶(二) Dialogue 3 Opening Accounts and Depositing(111) 開戶(三) Dialogue 4 Opening Accounts and Depositing(Ⅳ) 開戶(四) Dialogue 5 Opening Accounts and Depositing(V) 開戶(五) Dialogue 6 Withdrawing and Closing Accounts(I) 取款、銷戶(壹) Dialogue 7 Withdrawing and Closing Accounts(Ⅱ) 取款、銷戶(二) Dialogue 8 Withdrawing and Closing Accounts Oil) 取款、銷戶(三) Dialogue 9 Withdrawing and Closing Accounts(Ⅳ) 取款、銷戶(四) Dialogue 10 Withdrawing and Closing Accounts(V) 取款、銷戶(五) Dialogue 11 Reporting a Lost Passbook(Certificate)(I) 掛失(壹) Dialogue 12 Reporting a Lost Passbook(Certificate)(Ⅱ) 掛失(二) Dialogue 13 Inquiry of Account Balance 查詢余額 Dialogue 14 Confiscating Counterfeit Notes 沒收假幣 Dialogue 15 Reception Hall Service(I) 大廳接待對話(壹) Dialogue 16 Reception Hall Service(Ⅱ) 大廳接待對話(二) Dialogue 17 Auto Loan 汽車貸款 Dialogue 18 Housing Mortgage Loan 住房抵押貸款 Dialogue 19 Interest Rate Adjustment 利率調整 Dialogue 20 Foreign Exchange Loan 外匯貸款 Dialogue 21 Application for Loans of Working Capital 辦理流動資金貸款 Dialogue 22 Policy Inquiry-Entrustment Loan 政策咨詢——委托貸款 Dialogue 23 Open an Account for Stock Trading 開戶炒股 Dialogue 24 Investment Fund 購買基金 Part HI Money Exchange and Foreign Remittances 貨幣兌換和國外匯款 Dialogue 1 Inquiry about Exchange Rate 咨詢匯率 Dialogue 2 Money Exchange 貨幣兌換 Dialogue 3 Handling Reconversions 兌回外幣 Dialogue4 OutwardRemittances 匯出匯款 Dialogue 5 Inward Remittances 匯入匯款 Dialogue 6 Collection of Bills 票據托收 Dialogue 7 Taking Money Abroad 攜帶外匯出境 Dialogue 8 Transfer Foreign Currencies 外匯賬戶間的轉賬 Dialogue 9 Exchanging RMB for Purchasing House 非居民房產項下結匯 Dialogue 10 Exchanging Foreign Currency for Studying Abroad 留學購匯 Dialogue II BuyingTraveler's Check 購買旅行支票 Part IV Bank Cards,Phone-banking,E-banking and Other Services 信用卡,電話銀行,網上銀行及其他業務 Dialogue 1 ApplicationforCreditCards(I) 申辦信用卡(壹) Dialogue 2 Application for Credit Cards(Ⅱ) 申辦信用卡(二) Dialogue 3 Cashing with a Foreign Credit Card 外卡取現