古詩詞大全網 - 字典詞典 - look into的意思?

look into的意思?

look into

1.examine;inspect;investigate 調查;研究

He promised me to look into the matter.他答應我調查此事。

Mr. Jones said he was looking into the possibility of buying a house.瓊斯先生說他正在研究買房子的可能性。

The government will look into how to reduce unemployment.政府將研究如何降低失業率。

Thank you very much for the information,sir;I'll get one of our detectives to look into the matter.非常感謝妳提供這些情況,先生,我將指派壹名偵探調查此事。

2.dip into(a book,etc.);consult (a book, etc.) in a rapid or cursory manner瀏覽(書等);快速或草率地查閱(書等)

I usually look into a book before deciding whether to read it.我通常在決定是否讀這本書之前先瀏覽壹下。

3.make a brief call or visit to;enter(a house, etc.) for a few moments in passing對…作暫短的訪問或參觀;順便進入(房屋等)看看

I'll look into the library on the way home to borrow some books for my children.在回家的路上,我將順便去圖書館給孩子們借幾本書。

I must look into the garage on the way home to book a service for the car.回家時我得順路到汽車修理廠去預約檢修汽車的事情。