squarepants
theme
'the
pirate
and
kids'
《海盜與孩子們》
captain:
are
you
ready
kids?
船長:準備好了嗎,孩子們?
kids:
aye
aye
captain.
孩子:是的,船長!
captain:
i
can't
hear
you.
船長:我怎麽聽不見!
kids:
aye
aye
captain!
孩子:是的!船長!!
captain:
ohhhhhhh,
who
lives
in
a
pineapple
under
the
sea?
船長:哦哦哦哦哦~~~~~~~,誰住在水下的菠蘿屋裏?
kids:
spongebob
squarepants!
孩子:海綿寶寶!
captain:
absorbent
and
yellow
and
pourous
is
he!
船長:方方黃黃伸縮自如
!
kids:
spongebob
squarepants!
孩子:海綿寶寶!
captain:
if
nautical
nonsense
be
something
you
wish,
船長:如果四處探險是妳的願望
kids:
spongebob
squarepants!
孩子:海綿寶寶!
captain:
then
drop
on
the
deck
and
flop
like
a
fish!
船長:那就敲敲甲板讓大魚開路
kids:
spongebob
squarepants!
孩子:海綿寶寶!
captain:
ready?
船長:妳準備好了嗎?!
captain
and
kids:
spongebob
squarepants,
spongebob
squarepants,
spongebob
squarepants!
合:海綿寶寶,海綿寶寶,海綿寶寶!
captain:
spongebob
squarepaaaaannttss!!!
ha
ha
ha
ha
!!!!
船長:海綿~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~寶寶~~~哈哈哈!!!!